deKay's Lofi Gaming

The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords (3DS)

The lovely people at Nintendo gave everyone with a DSi/XL/3DS a free copy of this updated version of the GBA Four Swords game, to tie in with the Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary. How lovely! The main difference between this and the GBA one is that they’ve added a single player mode. Well, it’s sort of single player two player co-op, with you controlling two Links at the same time. It’s pretty good too, although I’ve only played for an …

The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX (3DS): COMPLETED!

You know, I found that I did, in fact, have a copy of the DX version for the Game Boy Colour after all.  As well as the non-DX version. And I’d totally forgotten. Tch, eh? Today, I completed it. Since I last posted, I did some of the Turtle Rock dungeon before moving off to go and find the boomerang and collect some seashells for the level 2 sword. With both of them obtained, I was pretty much indestructible, easily seeing …

The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX (3DS)

You know, I’m pretty sure I’m buying every single Virtual Console game out for the 3DS. I got Zelda the other week, and as well as that I’ve also got Kirby, Donkey Kong, Mario Land, Qix, Double Dragon and Fortified Zone. I’m only missing Tennis and Alleyway and I just know I’m going to end up with them too if there’s a slow week… But back to Zelda. Somehow, back in 2005, when I was running through pretty much every …

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii)

I played a little bit of this last week, but have managed a few more hours on it over the last few days. And I’m enjoying it less and less. A couple of days ago, I had to catch a fish. Which was fine, except it then took almost an hour figuring out that I wasn’t supposed to pick the fish up, but turn into the wolf and sniff it. Obviously. Then yesterday there was an awful snowboarding section. Yes, …

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii)

Hmm. I’m now over 11 hours in. I’ve just got all the tears from Lake Hylia. And it still doesn’t feel like Zelda. It has the right place names, and the right characters, and the right music and sound effects, but it doesn’t play like a Zelda game. I really, really, dislike the wolf bits. And they’ve made up more than half the game so far. And after 11 hours I’ve still only had 2 dungeons? It’s just not right.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii)

Six and a half hours in. Now, don’t hit me, but I’m not actually enjoying it. I’ve never completed a 3D Zelda before, but it’s not because I’ve not enjoyed them – it’s just because I’ve…stopped. But this? It’s not bad by any means, but I don’t really like it. In true deKay fashion, lets list the faults, yes? 1) It’s Not Zelda Well, the Link-as-Link bits are. But since more than half of the game has been Link-as-a-dog, that’s …

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii)

Many moons ago, when the Wii came out, Twilight Princess was released. And I bought it. Even though I knew I probably would never complete it, as despite my best intentions, I’ve never managed to finish a 3D Zelda game. 2D – fo’ sho. But 3D? For some reason I just… stop playing. With Twilight Princess, I stopped at an hour in. Not for any real reason – I just never went back. Until now. I played it, from the …

Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (DS)

Firstly today, I set off to get hold of a cannon for my ship. This involved taking a long route around an island because Link seems incapable of hopping over a small fence. With the cannon, I could then reach the north-west map area, although I came across the Ghost Ship and got lost in some fog. So I adjourned to an island in the south-west corner where I hope to find a way to get through the fog. Something …

Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (DS)

With Phoenix Wright (sadly) over and done with, it’s time to move on to this. I played it for a short while when I bought it a couple of weeks ago, but hadn’t even set sail from the first island yet. Today, I went to the Temple of the Ocean King, and had to do an annoying section where your health drains constantly, and then got a map and rescued Linebeck, who let me use his boat. With that, we …

Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (DS)

I wasn’t going to buy this just yet, as I have a mountain of games to work through as it is, but it’s £21 at Asda, and being a first party Nintendo game is unlikely to ever be much cheaper than that. So I bought it, but then I didn’t intend on playing it, as I have a mountain of games to work through as it is, but somehow it ended up in my DS. And it is lovely. As …

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Hurrah! I found a place that had some component cables in stock, so I decided to test them with Twilight Princess. And it looks amazing. Yeah, so it isn’t up there with Oblivion, but it waaaay ahead of anything the Xbox or GC have ever done. So the game then. It was alarmingly easy to get used to the controls, and soon I’d found my horse, rounded up some goats, found a bird, smacked some bees up with it, took …

Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past: PASSED!

It seems I was pretty close to the end of Ganon’s Tower when I died previously. I hadn’t explored all of it, but seems I didn’t need to in the end. A little further than I reached last time, there was another giant snake thing like at the end of another dungeon (as well as the three not-so-giant snakes from the Desert Palace), so it had started to become a bit SuckySuck(TM). Even more so when I reached the end …

Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

Taking a detour via the bomb shop (for a Super Bomb) and then the hole I made in the Pyramid wall (to get to the fairy inside, who gave me upgraded arrows and the Golden Sword), it was off to Ganon’s Tower. And it’s HUGE. And, although not especially difficult (yet), you need one hell of a lot of magic for it. Which I didn’t have. So, about half way through the tower, I was stuck. I couldn’t go forwards …

Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

Before going back into Dungeon 6, I had a wander round outside, and found some more pieces of heart. Then it was back inside… It was a shame that I’d only had one heart left at the end of Misery Mire last go, since the end boss was actually very easy. He threw eyeballs at me, which I had to kill, and then a giant eyeball bounced around the screen. It took loads of hits, but wasn’t difficult. Then it …

Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

I quickly zapped over to the Witch’s hut to stock up on potions before attempting to kill Blind again. I don’t know why I bothered though, as he was really easy this time. I didn’t even need one potion, let alone the three I picked up. Anyway, with Dungeon 4 finished off, I did some more exploring. I came across a strange frog person, who it turned out was a blacksmith in the Light World. I took him back to …