deKay's Lofi Gaming

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories (PS2)

You know, with “trails” turned off in the graphics options, suddenly everything is a lot better looking. But sadly, still awful. Problems I had today: In one mission, you have to use a fire engine to put out a fire. Controls for the fire engine’s water cannon are circle to fire, and the right stick to aim. So you need two right thumbs. Near the first safehouse you get access to (just south of it, in fact) there’s a motorbike. …

Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox)

Forced (hah!) myself back onto this today. I haven’t played in a few days and if I leave it to “sit” for too long I know I’ll just forget about it and it’ll be impossible to get back in. So, I’m on Korriban, and I entered the Sith Academy there. Uthar (the leader of the academy) says I have to prove myself to him, by doing tasks and finding artifacts and stuff. One of the other masters has asked if …

Advance Wars: Dual Strike

With Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan out of the way, it’s time to return to Advance Wars: Dual Strike. Mission 19 was easy. Really easy. At first, it seemed impossible, as there were about 20 Oozium thingies all spread out across the map. However, that’s pretty much all that I had to contend with, and they move only one square at a time, and can’t move and attack in the same turn. So, as long as I didn’t get surrounded, it was …

Advance Wars: Dual Strike

Mission 18, and it’s another double front mission. At first, it seemed impossible, but thanks to some Stealth Fighters it was soon made much easier. I also got aircraft carriers on this level, which were useful for firing at helicopters as well as for re-supplying my flying units. S-Rank GET!