deKay's Lofi Gaming

Why Sega should just give up and die

When I got my Megadrive in the early 1990s, it was for one single game – Sonic the Hedgehog. I’d played it often at the local game shop, and didn’t just want it, I needed it. Once I had my own Sega console to play it on, I was hooked on Sega games. In fact, for a good decade or so, I loved pretty much all of Sega’s major-title output – I suppose I was a Sega Fanboy (although Mario …

Scott Pilgrim vs The World (360)

I’ve not read the comics. I’ve not seen the film. But, after seeing just a handful of screenshots a few weeks ago for the game, I knew I’d want it. So confident was I, that I didn’t even bother trying the demo – I stumped up my 800 Microsoft Moon Pounds and bought the full game. And I was right – I love it. It’s a great mix of River City Ransom, Guardian Heroes, Streets of Rage, and that Puffy …

Top 10 Game Boy Advance Games

Ah, the Game Boy Advance. To many, a portable SNES without enough buttons to effectively be a portable SNES, and one with a screen invisible in all but the glow of a 100W lightbulb. That didn’t stop it from having arguably the best catalogue of games of any system, however, and with the lit screen of the GBA SP (further refined in the GB Micro), it became and remains my favourite handheld ever. And I loved my DS and 3DS a lot. …

Let’s Play! Zolyx

Pete Cooke was one of the “heroes” of 8-bit game programming. He had a talent for slickly presented games, and many of his creations also had some sort of Easter Egg built-in. In the case of Zolyx, the best Qix clone for the Spectrum, he included an entire Game of Life routine. For no reason. You can play with that if you like (pick Freebie from the menu), but I suggest you get stuck in to the game proper – …

Top 10 Obscure Games

I’ve often said that I love buying games that are bizarre and obscure. Usually, they’re crap – which often explains why they’re pretty obscure. Sometimes, though, they’re great. By obscure I mean they’re pretty much unheard of to the general gaming public. This is either because they’re for a machine never released in whatever region of the world they’re in, or the game bombed so nobody bought it (these games aren’t always bad, surprisingly), or even just that nobody forgot …

Too many games!

It’s that time of year again. Well, actually, it’s not, which is the problem. Traditionally, there’s slim pickings for new games around this time of year. The busiest times for releasing new titles (especially big titles) is normally around Christmas and often over Easter too, but the July-October period is like release death in the UK. Except this year. As well having Bioshock released this week already, there’s fahsands more out between now and the end of November. Before the …

Sonic Advance 2: SONIC BOOMED!

With Sonic Rush out next week, and this still not completed and Sonic Advance 3 still unplayed, I thought I’d best get my finger out and do something about it. So I completed it! Turns out the boss I was stuck on at the end of Sky Doobrie Zone wasn’t as hard as I’d previously thought. I just needed to be more careful. The next two zones were pretty easy too, as were the bosses. And then came the “XX” …


So it seems I was right near the end of the game then. Like, 30 minutes from it. Had to chase after Jack all over the place, being attacked by hordes of baddies on the way. Luckily, there were plenty of other heroes and guards and stuff around to take them on, so I just ran past them all. Eventually, I ended up at the Hall of Fate back in the Guild for the final showdown. Which was disarmingly easy. …


After some suggestions on, I decided to make a start on Fable. And what a strange game it is. The first thing to hit me was the accents – every English dialect appears to be covered. The next thing was the bizarre shadows on people’s faces, as if there are invisible light sources than keep moving. Very odd, and a little off-putting, especially when coupled with the Daz-enchanced Whiter Than Whiteness of my clothes. But I digress. Went round …