deKay's Lofi Gaming

Let’s Play! Tubaruba

In the days of 8-bit gaming, there were over $hlmun platform games. It’s not really surprising, given the excellence and popularity of Jet Set Willy and Manic Miner. One of the platform collect-’em-ups I remember most vividly was Tubaruba, not least because of Tooba Zaidi, the horrifically named programmer who appears in the game. And the frightening way he speaks white noise at you. Also, despite what one of the possible commentators on this post may tell you, the Speccy …

Top 10 Obscure Games

I’ve often said that I love buying games that are bizarre and obscure. Usually, they’re crap – which often explains why they’re pretty obscure. Sometimes, though, they’re great. By obscure I mean they’re pretty much unheard of to the general gaming public. This is either because they’re for a machine never released in whatever region of the world they’re in, or the game bombed so nobody bought it (these games aren’t always bad, surprisingly), or even just that nobody forgot …

What a mistake Sky turned out to be

A few weeks ago, I had to ditch Virgin (I didn’t want to – I just couldn’t get their service any more) so was on the look out for an alternative. For cost and features, the best all-in-one TV/phone/broadband package seemed to be Sky. BT Vision looked pretty good, but none of it is HD, and it relies on broadband of “an acceptable speed” – something I couldn’t find out until after it was all installed. So I duly went …

Fillum review: Porky’s (1982)

Since I was far too young to have seen such filth before, this was the first time I’d ever watched Porky’s. I was under the impression it was sort of like American Pie, only from the 80s. I was part right. It is like American Pie (in fact, one of the writers of American Pie has signed up to co-write a Porky’s remake, apparently), but like American Pie crossed with Happy Days and Grease. I had no idea it was …

A bit of a catchup

I haven’t posted in a few days, but I have been playing things. Just been a bit busy and tired and stuff. Anyway, here’s what I’ve been up to this week: Fable II Pub Games Demo (360)Marginally entertaining collection of gambling games. If I was interested in buying Fable II (I’m not), and it was 400 points, I’d buy it. So I’m not, then. Bionic Commando Rearmed Demo (360)Quite good fun, although I can’t get used to having no jump …

Fillum review: Rat Race (2001)

They don’t make films like this any more. Well, not often. In the 80’s, they made loads of “zany madcap chase” films, but you just don’t see them these days. Rat Race is silly. It’s over the top nonsense. Every situation is contrived, the few special effects are awful, and I have no idea why they cast Rowan Atkinson as an Italian. But… it was funny. Some bits were absolute genius too – the build up of Jon Lovitz’s character …

Answering unasked questions #1

Some questions I’ve not been asked, but I think are on your lips anyway. I’ve been looking at the search terms people have been using to find my blog, and the same things are cropping up most days. Q: Hey deKay – what’s this “destroy my gems” thing all about? A: I have no idea. Well, I have some idea. You’re talking about this, right? Well, there was some discussion about the Amiga puzzle game “Gem-X” (specifically, its crap box-art) …

Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS)

Turnip selling mad-dash tastic! Skipai in Holt (or Otterdom, as the Nintendo WFC insisted on calling it) had his gates open this evening, and his Nook’s was buying for 480 bells. Sadly, he was a bit busy with other visitors, so after queuing to get in, I then failed to get in at all for my second trip. Bah. Luckily, I made enough from one trip to offset any losses from not selling the rest (although I still might do …

Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS)

Turnips (for recording purposes) were just 80 bells today, so I’m glad I sold them on Wednesday. Of course, they could be 984635296349 bells tomorrow, but I think not. Sold 100,000 bells’ worth of fruit, and dug up a couple of gyroids. I was expecting more gyroids, actually, as it has rained non-stop for four days and they tend to appear after rain. Went and chatted with some animals, and upset Friga a bit as she’s walked me into a …