deKay's Lofi Gaming

Gottlieb Pinball Classics (Wii)

Oh shush. Just because I already have 65453435674346 unplayed games doesn’t mean I can’t buy another one, right? Right? So I got this this morning. At first I was confused that a game requiring just three buttons necessitates both the Wii remote and the nunchuk. That’s not a problem, it just seemed a bit odd. Anyway, so I’ve played through Challenge Mode a fair bit, unlocking several tables, but getting stuck on the Tee’d Off table. I’ve also ploughed most …

Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS)

What a dull day in Cheese. None of the animals had anything of interest to say, I’d started playing so late that Nook’s was shut, and the only thing I could really do was pick up more weeds. Rubbish. Looks like I’m coasting to the full year of play, then. I did get into Pudgy’s house though, and he’s got an Arwing or something in there which I need. Sadly, there’s no breaking and entering in Animal Crossing.

Prey (360)

More working my way through this today, but only a couple of levels. I was a bit wrong about the levels getting shorter, as I got stuck on a stupid exoskeleton-shuttle flying bit for ages as there was no clue as to what I was supposed to do, nor where I was supposed to go. Tch. Anyway, sorted it, and finished with the silly flying bits (for now, at least) and moved on to more indoors bits.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (360): COMPLETED!

NINETY-ONE HOURS of gaming on Oblivion, and I’ve finally completed it. The last few play sessions have been a concerted effort to stay on-track and “do” the main quest, and it culminated this afternoon with me gaining the title Champion of Cyrodiil. I’m Winner! I won’t spoil everything, but needless to say it was a pretty long slog. My first task today was to obtain part of Tiber Septim’s armour, stained with his blood. It was in a dungeon, and …

Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS)

Wendell was about today, so I fed him another of my red turnips, and he gave me another country guitar in return. I think I must have exhausted all of the combinations of stuff he gives out, although I’m still short of some pictures of “non resident” animals. Checked turnip prices just before 11PM, as I’d forgotten to do so earlier, and found Nook buying for 468 bells! Dashed back and sold them all, but couldn’t make it online to …

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (360)

Attempt number two at killing the marauders ended somewhat better than the first time, not least because the one that kept shooting fireballs at me kept hitting the floor with them instead of me (I was hiding down some steps), and so I kept shooting arrows at him. After that, and after raiding the bodies, I left the fort and headed back to Imperial City. Found loads of mushrooms on the way, so picked them. It was the middle of …

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (GC)

Finally managed to get past the Bugged Spikey Pits of Oblivion on my way out of the Clockwork Tower (although I did fall in once, and again, couldn’t get out). Got back to the Central Hall, and the woman in red gave me another sword. Then it was off to the other tower – the Water Tower. First, it was through some area with hanging gardens in it. I was stuck there for a while trying to figure out how …

Animal Crossing: Wild World

The Great Globe Trotting Turnip Selling Adventure begins! Firstly, checked at my local Nook’s, to find turnips were bought for 79 bells each. I bought them for 104, so that was no good. Then I onlined my DS up, and visited Red in Lancre. Her Nook’s was shut for remodelling. As was Deckard’s, he said when he turned up to visit. I left Lancre and went to Venture to see Rev. His Nook’s was buying for 70-something bells too, so …

Animal Crossing: Wild World

Fishing and shell collecting again. I’m sure you’ll spot a trend occuring in these posts about Animal Crossing, you know. Bumped into Lyle, a slimey little man in cahoots with dodgy geezer Crazy Redd. Lyle forced me to buy insurance for 3000 bells. I don’t really know what that will mean, now, but I don’t expect to ever get my money back. Also saw Apollo, an eagle who has moved into my town. He’s was “on patrol”, “protecting the innocents …

Viewtiful Joe 2

On to Reel 4 today – “Thunderboy Lives Twice”. This level is set in ancient Japan, it seems, so plenty of samurai film references and stuff. There’s a bizarre slide puzzle in the middle of the level, with each “block” being a room you can go inside, and you have to flip switches to shuffle the rooms around. There are three “artifacts” hidden around the level you have to get into one of the rooms. It was quite confusing at …

GTA: San Andreas

Spent a merry hour exploring the area I unlocked yesterday. This game really is rather big, isn’t it? I just wish I could nick a helicopter again now. I’d stolen one before, but I can’t go back and get it now as the airport is shut. Also bumped up my SMG and sawn-off shotgun stats a bit. I should be able to dual-wield the sawn-offs soon enough!