Mirror’s Edge (iPhone): COMPLETED!

The Rev had pointed out that this was excellent. I wasn’t so sure, since I loved the 360 version and a move to a 2D, controller-less version didn’t seem like it would work. If only he’d said “It’s like ‘Run!’, only better”, I’d have bought it like a shot. As it is, The Rev died this week. Also this week, EA had a sale on the App Store, and Mirror’s Edge was reduced to 59p, so in some strange, possibly …

Mirror’s Edge (360): COMPLETED!

It would appear that Mirror’s Edge is somewhat shorter than I was expecting. There’s only 9 chapters, and aside from a couple of bits that I was obviously doing the wrong way (a car park and the security servers bits), it wasn’t that hard either – even though I was playing it on Normal and refusing to use guns. That isn’t to say it’s bad – far from it. It’s just over a bit soon, that’s all. I only paid …

Mirror’s Edge (360)

I thought this for £13 was a bargain from Asda the other day. Until I saw it for £9.98 in Blockbuster this weekend. Oh well. After milking Lego Batman for everything it had, I moved onto Mirror’s Edge. It’s really good too, if somewhat hard and disorientating. It isn’t making me feel sick (like many have found), it’s just I get lost easily and even though there’s a button to look at where you’re supposed to go, that doesn’t help. …