Freshly-Picked Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland (DS)

The pirates are amazing. They’re all dead, and as a result are skeletons. And they act all hard and they’re not scared of anything, until a dog appears, anyway… So found may way into their hideout, did some mundane tasks for them (including killing cockroaches), and then beat up their boss. I found a load of “swag” too, although I’m not really sure what to do with it yet – it just sort of sits in my loft. Oh, and …

Freshly-Picked Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland (DS)

Really getting into this now, even though it is almost entirely guesswork. I think it’s the high rating it scores on the Quirkometer. And I do like games with high quirkery. My bodyguard died, and I hired another (a clown) who was totally useless. Hurrah! And I found a load of pearls, sold them, and made loads of money. And paid the Village People construction worker bloke to fix a bridge. And mapped some stuff. Amazing scenes!

Freshly-Picked Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland (DS)

With the first boss dead, I went over to the pool near my house and chucked pretty much all my rupees in. This made the pool rise into the air, as a tower, and the bloke-in-a-nappy reappeared – now in a suit. Hmm. Get the impression he’s making you work for him? The tower allowed me to access the next area (or continent, as the game calls it, although they’re a bit small for that, I’d say). I wandered round …

Freshly-Picked Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland (DS)

I had some time before bed, and my DS was out anyway (for the brain games), and so I thought I’d have a quick go. So I’ve done the first dungeon, along with a bodyguard I had to pay (twice!) which was pretty easy. I’m not sure I like the combat (run into baddies, hammer the screen), but the dungeon puzzles – and sound effects – are suitably Zelda-esque. Which is good! The boss was pretty good, if a little …

Freshly-Picked Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland (DS)

It’s the campest game in the world! And that’s before you even open the box! Amazing scenes. So, needing a break from Assassin’s Creed, that I’ve played rather a lot today, I’ve gone for Something Completely Different. I wasn’t really 100% sure what to expect of Tingle, assuming it’d be some sort of Zelda-lite. Well, it isn’t. So far, it’s been mostly about giving money away to dodgy geezers. You see, the aim is to earn an unspecified amount of …

Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (DS)

Firstly today, I set off to get hold of a cannon for my ship. This involved taking a long route around an island because Link seems incapable of hopping over a small fence. With the cannon, I could then reach the north-west map area, although I came across the Ghost Ship and got lost in some fog. So I adjourned to an island in the south-west corner where I hope to find a way to get through the fog. Something …

Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (DS)

With Phoenix Wright (sadly) over and done with, it’s time to move on to this. I played it for a short while when I bought it a couple of weeks ago, but hadn’t even set sail from the first island yet. Today, I went to the Temple of the Ocean King, and had to do an annoying section where your health drains constantly, and then got a map and rescued Linebeck, who let me use his boat. With that, we …

Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (DS)

I wasn’t going to buy this just yet, as I have a mountain of games to work through as it is, but it’s £21 at Asda, and being a first party Nintendo game is unlikely to ever be much cheaper than that. So I bought it, but then I didn’t intend on playing it, as I have a mountain of games to work through as it is, but somehow it ended up in my DS. And it is lovely. As …

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Hurrah! I found a place that had some component cables in stock, so I decided to test them with Twilight Princess. And it looks amazing. Yeah, so it isn’t up there with Oblivion, but it waaaay ahead of anything the Xbox or GC have ever done. So the game then. It was alarmingly easy to get used to the controls, and soon I’d found my horse, rounded up some goats, found a bird, smacked some bees up with it, took …

Zelda no Densetsu: The Hyrule Fantasy

I spoke too soon, it seems, since Dungeon 8 is hard. Very hard. No Wizzrobes (yet), but loads of recycled previous dungeon bosses (although it hasn’t gone all SuckySuck(TM) quite yet), and blue Dark Nuts. And not just Blue Dark Nuts either – but gargoyles that shoot fireballs at me at the same time, so I can’t even use the same Dark Nut killing tactics I had previously as that requires standing still (and therefore, getting shot). And! To make …

Zelda no Densetsu: The Hyrule Fantasy

Dungeon 6 has to be the hardest thing ever. The Wizzrobes were making me cry real actual tears. I died about 984759823745 more times, and progress was hampered somewhat by the fact that all of the baddies (aside from the three-headed dragon mid-boss) had come back to life overnight. Imagine my joy. Thankfully, I had a bit of luck, and made it to the dungeon boss – a crab spider thing with a giant eye. Guess what I had to …

Zelda no Densetsu: The Hyrule Fantasy

Well, I’ve managed to wipe out many of the rooms full of Wizzrobes now, in Dungeon 6. They don’t seem to reappear if I don’t exit the dungeon, which is helpful. I did leave for a short while, however, and tried pushing things all over the place now I have my Power Bracelet. This resulted in finding a better sword – the Master Sword, I suspect – in the Graveyard. That helped rather a lot in the dungeon… Also in …

Zelda no Densetsu: The Hyrule Fantasy

WARP WHISTLE GET! With the added powaz of the Blue Ring, I managed to defeat all the Blue Dark Nuts, and get the Warp Whistle. This allowed me to kill the dungeon boss, and so I gained another heart and the fifth piece of Triforce. Then it was off to Dungeon 6, after playing with the Warp Whistle for a bit and finding it entirely random. And Dungeon 6 is too hard. There’s a screen with two orange Wizzrobes, two …

Zelda no Densetsu: The Hyrule Fantasy

Seems I haven’t played this in a while, and, with Spider-Man 2, Advance Wars: Dual Strike, Pac ‘n Roll, and Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan all out of the way, I thought I’d best return to it. And it is still too hard. I managed, after several attempts, to get past the first lot of Blue Dark Nuts, only to find a second lot almost immediately afterwards. More, in fact. Spent ages regaining bombs and health, only to die again. And again. …

Zelda no Densetsu: The Hyrule Fantasy

Hmm. Dungeon 5 is too hard. There’s one screen with a billion blue Darknuts in, and I just can’t kill them all. I can’t swipe my sword at one without another walking into me. Found the dungeon boss too, but none of my weapons hurt him. I think I need something past the Darknuts… Gave up in there and went wandering, finding The Lost Woods on the way. Ended up at Dungeon 6, and had a quick go inside. Lots …