deKay's Lofi Gaming

Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

100 stars get! A couple of Purple Coin collecting ones today and then the hardest star I’ve had yet – Bouldergeist with the Daredevil Comet. He’s the only boss I’d had difficulty with, and lost several lives to him even with full energy, so having to kill him again, only with no energy? Erk. He took 14 of my 15 lives before I beat him! Also killed a giant mole on Gusty Garden, and completed some more stars on Freezeframe …

Castlevania: Circle of the Moon (GBA)

Aha! I think the rivers of acid bit was the wrong route to take, as I found another way to go today, into some sort of warehouse or something. And there, so my dismay, I found Irritating and Unnecessary Gaming Cliche #2 – crate puzzles. GAH! How many games must people RUIN with crate puzzles? And why are they always actually crates? Surely other things could be used instead? Broken Sword 3 and Lost in Blue both had game-almost-breaking crate …