Looking for a co-op game to play with my daughter (and mourning the lack of yearly, or even twice-yearly Lego games), I stumbled across this on PS++++++++ (or however many plusses I have). We’d enjoyed the first game a while back so why not?
It’s more of the same, really. You have to pick up and carry (or throw) furniture from houses to your truck, sometimes you have to do the reverse, and other times you’ve weird requirements like chucking certain things in portals or catching farm animals. All against the clock, and frequently with doors that are one-way, platforms that move, drones, and things that need to be broken (or not broken) in order to progress. With a multidimensional rift you have to sew back up with the help of some IT gnomes or something. Obviously.
There are plenty of silly moments that made us laugh, and it’s all very stupid in all the right ways. Much like the first game. Oh, and toilets. Of course there are toilets. There’s a whole level where you have to collect them. A++ would play again.