deKay's Lofi Gaming

Gaming Diary

GTA: San Andreas

So I did a few missions for this dodgy “government agency” guy in the desert, blowing up helicopters and buying an airstrip. Those soon ran dry, and it was back to stealing cars for Ceser in San Fierro. Very much like Gone in 60 Seconds. And, to add to Dance Theft Auto, and Splinter Nigga, not to mention the million and one further other-game-a-like sections, I get a Need fo’ Speed section. Complete with nitros and blur-o-vision. But now I’m …

GTA: San Andreas

Spent a merry hour exploring the area I unlocked yesterday. This game really is rather big, isn’t it? I just wish I could nick a helicopter again now. I’d stolen one before, but I can’t go back and get it now as the airport is shut. Also bumped up my SMG and sawn-off shotgun stats a bit. I should be able to dual-wield the sawn-offs soon enough!

GTA: San Andreas

Gettin’ on, mofo! Or something. About four missions later (one of which involved blowing up a helicopter with a rocket launcher, and another involved killing [spoiler]), and I’m off to sunny Las Venturas across the sea. There I met a mysterious man, who wants me to ride a Monster Truck all over the hills, for no reason. I oblige, only to mess it up as I couldn’t scale a mountain quick enough. Managed it on my second attempt though. And …

GTA: San Andreas

Managed the “Snail Trail” mission from yesterday on today’s first attempt. I figured out the “happy medium” between tailing too close, and losing the reporter in the distance. I’m not sure why I was given a sniper rifle to bump him and his informant off, though, since a sword was just as effective. I then spent a merry half an hour knocking my pistol, shotgun and SMG sk1llz up. I can now dual-wield pistols! John Woo would be impressed.

GTA: San Andreas

I’ve decided to go back to this now, and get it completed. Assuming I don’t get too annoyed at it. I really like the game, but the missions annoy me. I just like driving round, shooting things, jumping out of things, and Taking A Bike Where A Bike Shouldn’t Go (TM). Did two of Jizzy’s missions, and then had to tail a reporter. First, he gets on a train, so I have to follow that. Which takes aaaaages to stop. …

Ribbit King: ENDERED

HAHAHAHA! Take that, end of game opponent! Managed to beat Sparky and Whoosh 2, quite easily as well. I was 500 points ahead on the last round, which was a comfortable lead. Unfortunately, he then got a Frog-in-One, and picked up a couple of hundred points en route too, putting me about 1200 points behind. You get 1500 for a Frog-in-One, and I’d have got 900 points (or less) if I didn’t. But I managed a Frog-in-One too, and whipped …

Ribbit King

It started off well. I raced through my opponents, defeating all of them bar one first go and by miles. I did lose to Princess Fish-on-Head once, but only because she got the bonus points and it took her score to 5210 – when mine was 5206. Grr. And then, on the last opponent (Or at least, I assume Sparky and Whoosh 2 are my last opponents, since they have the item I need and I’ve played everyone else), I …

Ribbit King

Made a largish dent into the “Second Mission” this evening. Is it me, or have the opponents become really retarded now? On one level, Sir Waddlelot tried the same shot seven times, each time going out of bounds, and each time losing 50 points. He failed to finish that round at all, and ended up with fewer points than he started the round with. The panda did a similar thing on another level too, allowing me to storm ahead and …

Ribbit King

Stupid. STUPID STUPID. I beat the final opponent. He was actually pretty hard, since he knew all the “paths” to getting huge bonuses and racking up his multiplier. And he never made any mistakes either. Luckily, I knew a few paths too, and thrashed him in the final round. Hurrah! Then the end of game sequence kicks in, but I had to answer the door. When I got back, it was just finishing. And then the game autosaved. And now …

Ribbit King

I did much better today – not losing a single match. Walked all over Sir Waddlelot, Girl-With-Fish-on-Head, Cosmos the Alien, Lunk 2 and everyone else I played. Excellent. When I ran out of opponents, [spoiler] appeared, and told me he was to be my final opponent! Woo!

Ribbit King

Although I’ve played this before, I’ve not really touched it in single player mode. So I’ve decided this is my next game to complete. Faced three opponents this evening: Lunk 2 (who beat me), some ghosty thing with a “Play Box Advance” (who was easy to beat), and an alien. Although the alien was winning by some 900 points after the second round, I pulled back 200 or so in the third, and overtook him on the fourth. The final …

Mahjongg Taikai

I am rubbish at this. FACT. I played another few games, and managed third place in one, and last in the other two. Am I missing something? I know you get more points for certain “tricks” and sets of tricks than others, but even getting a whopping 1-2-3 Bamboo, 4-5-6 Bamboo, 7-8-9 Bamboo, 5-5-5 Bamboo and a pair of Red Dragons wasn’t enough to whip the others. Stupid.


Another Pocket PC game, this. It’s a poor man’s Shanghai really, but passes the time. Mind you, I actually have Shanghai on my iPaq too, so I don’t really know what I’m playing NeoTiles for…

Sim City 2000

I’ve reinstalled a load of games on my iPaq now I have a new SD card to store them on, and one of them is Sim City 2000. Of course, now I remember why I wasn’t sad to see it go last time when I needed the card for my camera. It’s slow, and the screen isn’t big enough to work with properly. It might have been nicer if you could play landscape instead of portrait, but you can’t. Or …

Mahjongg Taikai

I am really very crap at this. I hope I find some difficulty settings somewhere before I stab my DS. I’ve just played four “rounds”, each of 5 or 6 “hands”, and got progressively worse as I went on. In the first round, I narrowly missed first place, the next I came second again, then third and finally fourth. I need 1337 Mahjongg sk1llz, I think. W0rd, y0.