deKay's Lofi Gaming

Gaming Diary

Mario 64DS

Just a quick play on this today. Got another star (by getting red coins from all the Boos in the courtyard), and caught three more rabbits to unlock some more mini-games. Played them for a while too. The shell-smacking one is ace.

Paper Mario 2

Went back to this for a couple more hours. I’ve done a few errands on the island, and gone up about three levels now. I’m mostly putting badge points up when I level-up, as these seem to be the most important things at the moment, not least that there are a few ice-based attacked they give you – useful against the fire-based baddies on the island! I also have another member in my party too, who has a couple of …

Paper Mario 2

Finally completed the whole of Chapter 4 today. Had to kill the baddie-with-no-name again, after finding out what his name was. It was bizarre, as since everyone thinks he’s you, your partners are on his team, so you have to deal with them too. And you have a baddie on your team, just to make things even more upside-down. After that, I wandered round Rogueport for a bit, “upgraded” two of my partners, and found out where I had to …

Atari Anthology

Played this for the first time today. It’s a collection of some 65 or so Atari 2600 games, and 15 or so Atari arcade games. The bizarre side-effect of this, is that there are two versions of many games (such as Pong, Battlezone and Asteroids). Anyway, I played Adventure (and completed it on Level 2) mainly to see if I could remember the routes through the mazes. I could, but I seemed to be far crapper at the game than …

Paper Mario 2

Despite trying 21534562 times yesterday, it seems the Star Statue inside the Creepy Steeple does actually move if you push it. Ho hum. Wandered through the “level”, and reached the boss, who was unnervingly easy to kill. I mean, REALLY easy. Then [a thing that is a spoiler happened] and I took control of [spoiler], who turned out to actually be [spoiler]. Bizarre. Went back to Twilight Town, where I met [er, spoiler], but couldn’t kill him. Luckily, he couldn’t …

Anarchy Online

Logged in as my new character at first, to see if any ugv* bods were about. And they weren’t, the skivers. Inflicted Random Acts of Kindness (+20 Max HP) on some low level players. Only got one “thanks”. Some ungrateful sod even said “I don’t want that, I want credits!”. Sadly, I couldn’t shoot him. After a bit, I logged in again as Chutney, and soloed the Subway for a bit. I can kill not one, but TWO Shadows now, …

City of Heroes

I’m in the beta programme for this MMORPG, although I don’t know why – Anarchy Online is about as much as I can realistically handle at the moment. Spent a while setting up my character (whose name I have forgotten already), and then ran about a bit and did some training things. Looks nicer than Anarchy Online, but the controls and interface confuse me.

Paper Mario 2

I appear to be stuck. Although I went down the well, there didn’t seem to be anything I could do down there, except push a door forwards and backwards. Goombella says I should “leave it for now”, so I wondered if I’d missed anything inside the Creepy Steeple main building. I can’t see anything to so, and tried hitting and blowing everything, but nothing happened. I can’t see any obvious markings anywhere either. I must have missed something somewhere, I …

Mario 64DS

Had a quick go at catching rabbits to unlock more minigames. I realised that you actually have to catch each rabbit four times, as catching one with Yoshi only unlocks a Yoshi minigame. This could be tedious. The seven minigames I unlocked are pretty good, but nothing special. There’s a pelmanism game, using sounds not pictures, two of those grid-of-squares and touching one inverts it and the surrounding ones type games, which I hate, although most of these are pretty …

Anarchy Online

Took my new character out for a spin, and spent an hour and some minutes teaming with Los Reverandes from the ugv* groups. We left Newbie Island as it seemed to exist in multiple dimensions, meaning we had to talk Across the Void, but then met up properly in Old Athen. Got a house, and killed lots of Leets and Eleets and stuff. The Rev died a few times, because he isn’t as grate as me. Obviously. Then we went …

Anarchy Online

For a change, and to see if I could catch up with any of the ugv* n00bs, I created a new character and started again. Decided to be a Soldier this time, and it’s a hell of a lot easier! You get a weapon that kills most of the Beach Leets and Island Reets in one hit for a start. And you get a nanoprogram that bumps your Max HP up by 20 for half an hour or so. Got …

Paper Mario 2

I haven’t played this for a while (Pikmin 2 got in the way), so had a go this evening. I’m in Twilight Town, and have worked my way to the Creepy Steeple and wandered inside. Of course, you have to go down the well outside, don’t you? Had a quick look in there and decided it could wait for another time. Saved and quit for now.

Mario 64DS

Well. I’m “compensating” with the controls. That means I’m still annoyed with them, but I’m only doing levels I absolutely have to, or levels that don’t requite such precision. Six lives lost to the first Bowser level then, as it is too hard to use the camera and control Mario at the same time. Managed it in the end, however. I also went and got the first star in Shifting Sand Land, and drained the water from the basement. Caught …

Run Baby Run

It’s an RZX recording frenzy at the moment, so I’ve been trying to beat my personal best. I haven’t fared to well, sadly, as the pressure of recording my gameplay makes me mess it up. However, I have managed a score of 3146, and here’s the RZX to prove it. Weak.