deKay's Lofi Gaming

2007: A Year in Gaming – Epilogue

Phew, eh? That’s a lot of games. Overall, I’ve completed 61 this year, and played around 200 (if you include demos).¬¨‚Ć So what was best?¬¨‚Ć What was unexpected? Biggest Surprise Almost certainly Halo 3. I didn’t like the campaign mode (which I played a fair bit of in co-op – I actually completed it too, although didn’t play every chapter). The surprise was enjoying online multiplayer as much as I did. Team Fortress 2 is better, in my opinion (especially …

Octodad: Dadliest Catch (PS4): COMPLETED!

Firstly, I should point out that the lyrics to this game’s theme song have been wedged in my head for the last few days. Specifically “Octodad – nobody suspects a thing”. It’s so catchy. As for the game, it’s frustrating, looks a lot like that original Xbox Leisure Suit Larry game in graphics quality and style, is impossible to control, had a terrible camera, and is awesome. You’re an octopus trying to live his life, implausibly with his family who …

Things I’ve been playing recently

Round up round up round up! Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Wii U) Closing in on 60 hours played now. SIXTY. Between this and Animal Crossing, I’m really not going to finish off many other games this year. I seem to find myself playing mainly online these days. Hunting a monster in a team, regardless of which monster, who the team is, or even what rank everyone is, is always fun. Entering a room and everyone remarking on your rank and then …

Lego City Undercover (Wii U): COMPLETED!

The story is done! The day has been saved! There’s still many, many hours of game left as I’m only about 35% finished! I won’t say much about the ending, because, well, spoilers. What I must say, however, is that it was actually genuinely properly epic. Like nothing before from any other Lego game. For a short time, there’s some of the usual funny silly stuff, then a fight between you in a giant robot suit and Rex Fury riding …

The Best of Comment Spam

I get some amazing comment spam on this blog and my Gaming Diary. It almost seems a shame that Akismet swallows it all up before you lovely fellows get a chance to see it. Thankfully, they’re all still archived away – so here are some of my favourites, sanitised so as not to be actual spam any more. I know this is off topic but what should I study in the autumm 2011 -? any advice pls email me ? …

The Conduit (Wii): COMPLETED!

Some have said this game is rubbish. They are wrong. It’s not fantastic, and it has its faults, but it’s a perfectly competent, technically proficient (for the Wii), excellent to control FPS. And I enjoyed it from start to (somewhat sooner than expected) finish, unlike say… Halo, which I hated. It’s a little short, suffers a bit from room repetition (nowhere near as badlyas Halo though), and the final level feels like there’s a boss fight missing, but the ASE …

The games of 2008

For four years now, I’ve kept a diary detailing the games I play. Part of the reason was to see how many games I buy (and to reduce this number), and how many I complete (and to increase this number). 2008 saw a drop in completed games – 33 compared to 61 in 2007. I don’t think this is bad, when you look at the games I’ve been completing. In 2007, there were quite a few shorter games, including 5 …