deKay's Lofi Gaming

2016 Game of the Year, The 2016 Game of the Year

And finally, the winner. I’ve presented to you the very best games of 2016[ref]Or at least, those I played in 2016, remember[/ref] in two previous posts, and now it’s time to tell you which game was best of all the animals. Not in my opinion, but in fact[ref]Facts mean nothing now, as we all know[/ref]. But before that, I just want to say a few words about some other games which didn’t make the Best, nor the Best of the …

Game Dev Diary: FR v0.16, reprise

No, I have nothing new to show you. I’ve done very little coding since my last Game Dev Diary post, so I’ve nothing to show for it. So why an update? Because otherwise you may think I’ve given up on it. Because I have done other, related stuff instead. You might remember my Interactive Fiction game from the other day: Sandman. Oh yeah, that’s an link right there. Sexy. Anyway, that was a deviation from this title, but it …

Game Dev Diary: FR v0.16

This may sound like a very minor update, and indeed when you play it there’s very little different from last time. Even the version number has only jumped 0.01. However, in the code, there have been some big changes. I’ve scrapped all of the old warp tile detecting routine, and replaced it with something that is more accurate and could be used to detect other things. I’ve created a class for the warp tiles, (which contains things like their ID, …