deKay's Lofi Gaming

Animal Crossing: Wild World

Sunday morning is the day the Sow Joan comes and sells turnips. Turnips for you to buy, and sell on the Stalk Market, hopefully for a huge profit. You may notice that “Sow Joan” sounds like “Dow Jones” and “Stalk” is like “Stock”. This is no coincidence. After searching the whole of Cheese three times, I finally found here. I had enough bells to buy 90 turnips at 104 bells each, which is a bit more than I was hoping …

Animal Crossing: Wild World

More fishing and stuff. I’m back up to about 9,000 bells now, which should get me a few turnips if nothing else. Went over to see Richard, and was soon joined by Rev and Satsuma. We waited until 8pm, for K.K. Slider to show up in the café under the museum, but he didn’t. Then the game kicked me out. Luckily, I didn’t lose anything, and back in Cheese K.K. was ready to play for me. He gave me a …

Animal Crossing: Wild World

Fishing and shell collecting again. I’m sure you’ll spot a trend occuring in these posts about Animal Crossing, you know. Bumped into Lyle, a slimey little man in cahoots with dodgy geezer Crazy Redd. Lyle forced me to buy insurance for 3000 bells. I don’t really know what that will mean, now, but I don’t expect to ever get my money back. Also saw Apollo, an eagle who has moved into my town. He’s was “on patrol”, “protecting the innocents …

Animal Crossing: Wild World

Fishing, collecting shells, digging up fossils, talking to animals. That’s pretty much all you do in Animal Crossing. Every day. And it is BEST. Today, I planted some more trees with the fruit I’d gained from other towns, and dug up a Tall Gongaloid, or something with an equally stupid name. Didn’t earn much in the way of Bells (AC‘s currency), so I didn’t knock much off my mortgage.

Animal Crossing: Wild World

Did a bit more fishing and shell collecting, and had a look in Nook’s to see if there was anything worth buying. There wasn’t. Got a letter from the HRA, but nothing else. Rubbish. Then I visited Rev again, and dug him some holes. He thought they were ACEBEST. Bless. I did bury a few things for him too. After that, it was all round to Richard’s, where I stole some of his cherries and gave him some oranges. And …

Animal Crossing: Wild World

No visitors this evening, but I did make a snowman! And it spoke to me! And asked me to make a Snow Lady for him, which I couldn’t do as there were no more snowballs to roll up. Got a couple of letters, including one from Monique in Rev’s town, and another with a gift from Pinky, who obviously likes me again. Fished a bit, and gave the walrus bloke one of them. He gave me a Left Design. Which …

Animal Crossing: Wild World

Just went back to Cheese briefly, to see if anyone had sent any letters in my town, or posted anything on the Bulletin Board. Rev had mentioned something about the Gorilla Mafia, but no letters. Sent one myself to Pinky, but then lost her trust when I opened and read a letter addressed to her from Stitches. She hates me now. Rubbish.

Animal Crossing: Wild World

And so the life draining exercise of doing absolutely nothing of worth begins again. I spent three months, playing almost daily, on the Gamecube version of Animal Crossing, and this is just the same. Only with more to do, and online play. Firstly, I had the task of moving in, meeting Nook (and selling my soul to him, or something), then he employed me for a short while to meet everyone, deliver things, plant stuff, and that sort of thing. …

Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS)

And still I’m playing this. I’ve yet to miss a single day of play, in fact. That puts me past the number of consecutive days played of any previous version for sure, and, past the number of days in total I’ve played both Wild World and Let’s Go To The City. I don’t recall how many days I actually played the Gamecube version for though. I know it was a lot, and pretty much a year from start to finish, …

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (360)

Spent a while producing scamps and skeletons to raise up my Conjuration stats a bit, and then decided to go to Cheydinhal, since I’d never been there before and it’s the location of the next bit of the Thieves Guild questline. To get there, I warped to Imperial City, and the set off East on foot. Had a few bandits to contend with on the road, but they were easily killed with the help of a scamp! Explored Cheydinhal for …