deKay's Lofi Gaming

Emulation Newbies

New to the Emulation scene? Don’t understand terms like ‘roms’, ‘hardfiles’ and ‘disk images’? Want to get the best performance from your emulator? If so, then read on! This page is designed to aid people who are new to emulation, and to help you get the most from your emulator. It is by no means a complete HOWTO for emulation, but it will point you in the right direction. Due to the huge variety of type, styles and platforms for …

Lostmagic (DS)

Hmm. I’m not really sure if I’m enjoying this or not. The premise is great – draw shapes to cast spells – but the fights are too difficult as a result. You’re under two much pressure to draw quickly and accurately, and your mana bar (which you use for spells) drains much too fast. Even the faux-RTS element with controllable monsters that you’ve captured is clumsy and hit-and-miss. There’s just too much to keep an eye on at once. Anyway. …

Saints Row (360)

Didn’t play any more actual proper missions, as I needed to build up my respect bar before they were unlocked, so set about exploring instead. Found three CDs (I now have 10, so it unlocked a music track), and some tag points. Also found one of the cars I needed for a Chop Shop mission, and I spent a while doing hostage runs too. I got another achievement today as well – 20 hours played. What was interesting is I …

Brain Age (DS)

Got a new record in Calculations x100, completing it in 1:43, three seconds lower than the previous best. Didn’t do too badly in the other tests either, and bumped my run of Brain Age 20s up to 16 in a row too.