deKay's Lofi Gaming

Texas Hold’em (360)

This is what I was downloading when playing Pac-Man earlier. For today and tomorrow, Microsoft are giving it away for free. Aces! It’s pretty good too, if a little hard on the eyes. Maybe a new HDTV will help there. Like the one I ordered today! Anyway. I played offline for a bit to get a feel for it, then played a few random people online until the connection dropped out. I then tried to play Becs of off my …

Tetris DS (DS)

Since I was having “issues” with Animal Crossing‘s Wifi connection, I thought I’d try Tetris and see if that worked. Within seconds, I was paired with some Japanese guy (or girl) for a game of Push Mode. They were clearly much better than me, and so the game didn’t last long, but at least Wifi was working. No idea what is up with Animal Crossing then…

Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS)

Played this for a few hours this evening. Mainly, I was harvesting the 220,000+ bells-worth of fruit that was on the floor and had regrown on the trees, but I also found a few fossils and ran a few errands for animals. Wolfgang has done a runner, probably as I wasn’t gay for him, so my town is now down three animals and no-one has replaced them, so it looks a bit empty. In fact, Lucky told me so himself. …

Brain Age (DS)

Now I’m completely confused as to how your age is worked out. I play the same three games each day when it comes to the calculation, and today I beat my personal best in both Connect Maze and Number Cruncher (I beat my previous best Connect Maze score by a good 23 seconds too – from 59 to 36), and came second on the leaderboard for Calculations x20 with 24 seconds (first place being 22). I didn’t make a single …

Brain Age (DS)

And today’s Brain Age is… 24! A bit disappointing, but still better than I was expecting after I seemed to take about an hour doing the Connect Maze task, and stumbled (but didn’t fall) on the Calculations x20. Did another sudoku too, in about 10 and a half minutes.

Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS)

Didn’t have much in the way of fruit to sell today, but I didn’t mind as I was going over to Skye to see Talisker and sell all my turnips for 574 bells each! Except, I couldn’t connect. So no turnips sold today (especially since I was only offered 67 each in Cheese – rubbish!). Had a chat with some of my animals instead, and then bought everything at Nook’s again, as well as water my red turnip. Kaitlin’s kitten …

Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS)

With a Tim Miller-theory-beating 67 bells per turnip price in Nook’s today, I was glad to find that new-player Jonathan (in Sundale) had Nook buying for 417 each. I popped over with 1500 of them, making almost half a million bells profit already. I have another 1000 or so to flog, but ran out of time before Jonathan disconnected. Still, even if I don’t sell, I’m still bells-in this week. Also did the usual talking, watering, fruit selling. I’m over …

Tetris DS (DS)

Hurrah! Wifi Tetris! On the DS! And it’s great! So far, anyway. Played single player “classic” mode, and made it up to Level 11, before Link appeared and everything went wrong and I lost. I then had a go on 4-player over Nintendo Wifi Connection, and, erm, came last. In my defence, everyone else had played 20+ games online already. After that, it was a quick go on Catch Mode. It reminds me of another game, but I can’t think …

ポケモントローゼ (DS)

Or Pokémon Torouze to you, if you can’t read the Japanese. Yes, I am just showing off that I can type in katakana like on the box. And, despite the Pokémon connection, it’s actually a very good puzzle game. So far, at least. It’s a sort of cross between Zoo Keeper and those slide puzzles. You have the usually puzzle-game-well, which starts partially filled with Pokémon heads. You slide the rows and columns to line up four or more heads, …