Adam Buxton (of Adam and Joe, and Best Death In Hot Fuzz fame) is doing a new TV show for BBC3. Stuff like this: Amaze!
Adam Buxton (of Adam and Joe, and Best Death In Hot Fuzz fame) is doing a new TV show for BBC3. Stuff like this: Amaze!
By popular demand, here are some more snippets from the MP3 player manual I was talking about the other day.
We got some rubbish new MP3 players at work today. For ¬¨¬£10 they’ll do the job, but they’re not exactly iPod killers. That isn’t the point of this post, however. Oh no. The point is: AMAZING ENGRISH. That’s right! The badly-translated Chinese manual is fantastic! Every page is a delight to read. In incomprehensible delight to read, yes, and in some cases totally baffling. Here are a couple of pages to entertain you: Edit @ 20:11: Oooh, that’s a bit …
I’ve just written a birthday card out for a friend, and noticed something a bit odd… Apparently, a card for someone’s 30th birthday is not suitable for children under the age of three.
I got this email today at work: Sorry to be pedantic but whoever did the pop-up for interview day has spelt pracitse wrong. I should point out that it wasn’t me that did the pop-up.
I’m playing Phoenix Wright 3, and Phoenix’s girlfriend is giving a testimony. The men in the room are somewhat transfixed by her. Mia is less than impressed…
I don’t usually post webcomics, but this one spoke to me on two levels – I work in a school, and I do stuff with SQL databases.
Just walked past these fine establishments. I knew Curl Up and Dye was there, but Pierced Off is a new one on me…
Whilst looking for gaming bargains in Asda this evening, my wife pointed this ¬¨¬£1 PC game out to me. I didn’t buy it as, sadly, it looked crap.