Weekly Round Up

I’ve been a bit busy this week so haven’t had time to fill in my diary. So here’s a brief rundown of what I’ve been playing: Me and My Katamari (PSP)It’s been this for most of the week. It is good and all, but I’m finding it a bit limiting. There are so few locations in the game (even fewer than the 360 version, in fact) that almost every level is a repeat of the last, with a different – …

Me and My Katamari (PSP)

Hurrah for new games arriving in the post! Boo that this should have arrived last Monday and my local post is crap. Hurrah for it being aces! Boo for it having really difficult controls (no dual analogue sticks). Hurrah for that not really mattering all that much. And most important of all, hurrah for the King of all Cosmos: Swimsuit Edition! Amaze! I’ve only completed two levels (and the training) so far, and it feels much more like the PS2 …

Patapon (PSP)

Haven’t played this for just over a week or so, it seems, so I did get a little confused as to the rhythms for the commands. I need to take on a load of guard posts, but after three defeats (the first because one of the posts has a Patapon squishing device on it!) I decided to try something else instead, and went back to an earlier level for a bit of hunting. After that, I returned to kill Dodonga …

PaRappa the Rapper (PSP)

Amazing! I finally managed to finish level 2! And not just level 2 (the learn-to-drive one), but also level 3 (the fleamarket one). Level 3 was actually much, much easier for some reason. Now, I have to bake a cake out of fish, and, after $hlmun attempts, I still can’t do it. It’s far too hard. Even though my rapping appears to be in time, it clearly isn’t.

LocoRoco (PSP)

Just four more levels (in World 3) to complete today. Lots of being eaten by the shape-changing owl (the programmers were on drugs, right?), and I found another friend – a red LocoRoco. I also managed to lose almost all of my LocoRocos on one level, as they got sucked up a draught thing, leaving just two behind for me to control. Gah!

LocoRoco (PSP)

I didn’t realise you could find and unlock other LocoRoco blobs to play with/as. Until I unlocked two today – a pink one, and a blue one. And here’s the genius bit: they have their own voices that they sing along to the level music in! Fantastic! Even if the blue one has a really deep manly voice and sounds a bit creepy… Today I completed all of the levels in World 2, all bar one completed with at least …

LocoRoco (PSP)

Having played all the demos I could find over the last wee or so, the full game finally arrived today. Only managed to get as far as completing the first two levels, though, and played about with the house, and the crane minigame. It’s very cute, isn’t it?

Assorted PSP Demos (PSP)

Downloaded some more PSP demos today and had a play. Hurrah for free things! Hot Shots Golf 2Or Minna no Golf 2, or whatever the English name is. Lovely! Only three holes, and I had to guess the controls, but it’s cute and colourful and plays just like those other golf games that I like. You know the ones – ones that aren’t crap. Ape Escape 2Erm. Monkeys. And a terrible, awful, rubbish camera. And it uses the “analogue” nub, …

Patapon (PSP)

I totally OBLITERATED the Zigotons today, completely wiping the floor with their three attacks they attempted. One was a mission where I had to escort a cart being pulled by some horses, but even though the horses seemed to complain they were being attacked, I quite easily saw off the enemy. I also have a few flame bows for my archers. Torching the enemy = fun!

Patapon (PSP)

I got a horse! In fact, I got TWO horses! And more archer Patapons. And then went and fought a load of Zigotons. Then some more. And hunted a bit. Then! I found a Patapon with some spoons that smacks a mountain’s rock toes. No, really. Amazing!

Misc PSP Demos (Demo) (PSP)

With my new-found ability to download game demos to my PSP, I put a load on to play today. Space Invaders ExtremeExcellent! It’s exactly what the title suggests – Space Invaders, only Extreme! It’s a lot like the DS Space Invaders game from a couple of years ago, but with more power-ups and a combo system. And bonus levels. Apparently there’s a DS version of this PSP title too, which is supposedly even better. LocoRocoSeveral demos, in fact. I really …

Patapon (PSP)

Oh! Now I’ve got the “Don” drum too! That means I can summon rain, allowing me across the desert. Which I did! It was quite difficult, as you have to get Fever active to summon the rain, and the rain doesn’t last forever so you have to summon it often. And, if it’s not raining, your Patapons die as it’s too hot… After that I went and killed (an improved and more powerful) Dodonga again, this time with more Patapons, …