deKay's Lofi Gaming

Gaming Diary

Ribbit King

I did much better today – not losing a single match. Walked all over Sir Waddlelot, Girl-With-Fish-on-Head, Cosmos the Alien, Lunk 2 and everyone else I played. Excellent. When I ran out of opponents, [spoiler] appeared, and told me he was to be my final opponent! Woo!

Ribbit King

Although I’ve played this before, I’ve not really touched it in single player mode. So I’ve decided this is my next game to complete. Faced three opponents this evening: Lunk 2 (who beat me), some ghosty thing with a “Play Box Advance” (who was easy to beat), and an alien. Although the alien was winning by some 900 points after the second round, I pulled back 200 or so in the third, and overtook him on the fourth. The final …

Mahjongg Taikai

I am rubbish at this. FACT. I played another few games, and managed third place in one, and last in the other two. Am I missing something? I know you get more points for certain “tricks” and sets of tricks than others, but even getting a whopping 1-2-3 Bamboo, 4-5-6 Bamboo, 7-8-9 Bamboo, 5-5-5 Bamboo and a pair of Red Dragons wasn’t enough to whip the others. Stupid.


Another Pocket PC game, this. It’s a poor man’s Shanghai really, but passes the time. Mind you, I actually have Shanghai on my iPaq too, so I don’t really know what I’m playing NeoTiles for…

Sim City 2000

I’ve reinstalled a load of games on my iPaq now I have a new SD card to store them on, and one of them is Sim City 2000. Of course, now I remember why I wasn’t sad to see it go last time when I needed the card for my camera. It’s slow, and the screen isn’t big enough to work with properly. It might have been nicer if you could play landscape instead of portrait, but you can’t. Or …

Mahjongg Taikai

I am really very crap at this. I hope I find some difficulty settings somewhere before I stab my DS. I’ve just played four “rounds”, each of 5 or 6 “hands”, and got progressively worse as I went on. In the first round, I narrowly missed first place, the next I came second again, then third and finally fourth. I need 1337 Mahjongg sk1llz, I think. W0rd, y0.

Mahjongg Taikai

And I thought the Famicom Mahjongg game was hard. This one is the hardest Mahjongg game evar. But it has nice graphics and excellent music (or rather, Muzak) throughout. Sticking with it, even though I can’t read the options as they’re almost all in Kanji and I only know Hiragana and Katakana. Tch, eh?

Mr Driller: Drill Spirits: CULMINATED!

Oh my. I’m on fire or something today! My first attempt at 2000m (which it seems, is the last level – thankfully!) got me as far as 1450m. Undeterred, I was at 1700m on my next go, with 5 lives left. Sadly, by 1900 I was down to 2 lives. Then, at 1960 I was on my last life – so I just threw caution to the wind and went for it. And it worked! I’ve now unlocked another character, …

Mr Driller: Drill Spirits

Sigh. I got up to 1800m today, and bought more lives from the shop. I know I’d made some avoidable errors on the run, so surely if I take more care, and with three more lives, I should finally be able to do it, yes? No. 1077m. Stupid, stupid game. It actually made me cry. At least I managed the 500ton level on Pressure Driller. It just isn’t the same though.

Mr Driller: Drill Spirits

I’m really getting annoyed with this now, since I’m getting worse and not better. I could only manage 957m on the 2000m run today. That’s less than halfway there. Rubbish. I think I shall be writing a letter. Dear Namco,Mr Driller: Drill Spirits is impossible, despite what Steve Jackson says. You suXX0r.Loev, deKay.

Leisure Suit Larry: ENDERIFIED

Wow. Four games in five weeks. That’s about as many games as last year in total, I think. Excellent. So, the last round of Swingles meant a chat-minigame, which was easy right up to the last bit which was hard, meaning I failed twice and had to redo the whole three-minute chat again. And again. After that, I eliminated Barbera Jo (bouncy as she was), and moved on to a Dance-in-our-Pants minigame, which was pretty easy. Then the final decision: …