deKay's Lofi Gaming

Gaming Diary

Wario Ware Touched

This came today, so I thought I’d have a quick go. It certainly seems a lot easier than the GBA original Wario Ware game so far. Played through the first five characters, and only “missed” three or four times. I’m sure it’ll get harder later – and of course, on the Flower collecting wotsit. Assuming this version has one of them, anyway.

Pro Evolution Soccer 4

Spent a while working my way through the league. Teams played against today include Tottenham, Norwich, Manchester City, Newcastle, Arsenal and Chelsea. I lost to Arsenal, but drew or beat all of the others. Most embarrasing was a 0-0 draw with Norwich. They played crap, their marking was rubbish, and they didn’t attempt a shot on goal. And I drew. RUBBISH. I’m now 9th in the league (Norwich are bottom), with a F/A of -1. Not too bad, I suppose, …

Trackmania Sunrise Demo

Since everyone on the ugv* groups are talking about this, I decided to download the demo and have a go. There are three game modes, with two levels in each, open in the demo. Race is, obviously, a race. I’m not too sure about the handling, though, and the jumps are pretty blind. Perhaps a Hard Drivin’ “speed limit” sign system might help here. But it’s “nice”. Platform mode involves jumping, mostly. But, since the jumps are blind still, you …

Metroid Fusion: EXPLODED!

Hurrah! The SA-X was killified on my fifth or so go. It seems there’s an easy way to kill it, if you jump over it and shoot it in the back. Then I had to run to my ship, which had vanished – to be replaced with a [spoiler]! Then [spoiler] happened, and it was the end!

Metroid Fusion

After being stuck for a bit unable to figure out where the heck I was supposed to be going, I finally stumbled across the security robot I fought earlier. Only this time, he had rockets and could electrify the water he was wading around in. For some reason, though, he was easier to kill. I got the Wave Beam from him, so I can now shoot through walls. I then went into the Restricted Area the robot was trying to …

Metroid Fusion

It took many, many attempts, and lots of dying very quickly, but I finally figured out the way to dodge Nightmare in his second “phase”. Well, I’d figured it out already, it was just because my Space Jump skillz were not ub3r1337 that I couldn’t put them into place. Some of it was also down to luck – namely, where he stopped. In certain places it meant I could fire off a million rockets into his face, in others only …

Metroid Fusion

Managed to outrun the SA-X this time. I didn’t realise you could shoot it with ice missiles to freeze it. I didn’t have a lot of energy left afterwards, so had to limp my way to a save point. The SA-X can kill you in two hits, even if you have some 600 units of health. Nasty. After that, I found the cause of the vegetation growth – another boss. This one was pretty wasy, but took some 753265 missiles …

Metroid Fusion

It took another three attempts, but Mr Spider is teh dead. WIN. Well, WIN for a bit, since there’s more of the game left. He did give me the Space Jump, however, which was nice. Not that I can control it properly, of course. Wandered around a bit looking for the “cause of the vegetation” that is blocking up the main power silo of the research lab. Found an entrance to somewhere, but the SA-X was lurking in there too …

Metroid Fusion

Jumpy shooty killy explodey fun later (including another run-in and escape-from the SA-X Evil Me), and I make it back to my ship. There I’m told that the power is down everywhere, and I need to find the cause. Some maze navigation ensues, and I kill some X-Space Pirate thingies, and run into a giant spider. Who kills me in about three hits. Boo.

Metroid Fusion

Still plugging my way through this. Started and got through Sector 3, killed a security robot, and then had to move onto Sector 6. Picked up the Varia suit from the boss at the end, which means I can now go in ice and fire areas. One of which was Sector 5, which was next. “Completed” Sector 5, and an alarm went off – I had to rush back to Sector 3 and run through it all to a room …

Metroid Fusion

It looks like I spoke to soon about always having your hand held as to what to do next, since I spent a merry half an hour stuck. Finally found a route through Sector 2, and killed the eyeball boss thing. Then moved on to Sector 4, which was somewhat simpler to get around. Killed the boss there too – Sector 3 next, it seems. I have the super jump, ball jump, and power boost now too.

Metroid Fusion

OK, so it’s more linear than Zero Mission. In a way, that’s actually a good thing. I did spend a fair amount of Zero wondering where the hell I was supposed to go next, so actually being told this time around is a good thing. Probably. I’ve done the bit at the beginning, and found and fixed the five atmospheric controller thingies, and then got into Area 2. I have the Charge Beam, Morph Ball and Power Bomb so far, …

Star Trek: Shattered Universe

Gah! I’m sure there’s a bug in this game, which randomly causes your mission to end when you blow up Orion capital ships. The mission I’m on, takes the form of a scouting session round a load of mostly destroyed ISS ships. And the mission is long, like 20 minutes or so. Then, as I’m heading back to the Excelsior, Orion pirates appear again. I blow up the ship, and even though I’m some 260,000, er, “things” away (you need …

Star Trek: Shattered Universe

The “Field of Hono(u)r” mission was really annoying me for much of today’s play. It’s a rock-Klingon-rock mission, but then two Orion ships appear and loads of fighters. I managed to kill the Klingons and the rocks, and one of the two Orion capital ships (the other ran away) – but the Orion fighters are so quick that they’re hard to kill. Invariably, that left the Excelsior blown up. That wasn’t the most irritating thing though – the time it …