deKay's Lofi Gaming

Batman: Arkham City (PC)

No, that isn’t a mistake up there. Nor an April Fool, despite the date. I really did say “PC”. Technically, it’s a Mac, but under Windows. Anyhoo. With a machine capable of playing it, and an offer of Arkham City for £11.60 (when the 360 version is still £20+), and a promise that you can just use a 360 controller and plug it into a TV, I was tempted enough to get it. And yes, all those things work. I’ll …

Lego Batman 2: NEED!

I know a lot of people thought the original Lego Batman was the weakest of the Lego games, but I think it was awesome. And because I think that, it is fact. This looks even better though! Apart from the voice acting. Not too sure about Lego games with voice acting yet…

Batman: Arkham City

Aside from the VERY exciting 3DS release (10 days away!!) there are only two games this year I’m looking forward to. One is The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim which I am currently on Media Blackout from as I don’t want any spoilers or anything – I want to play it without knowing a thing about it. The other, is Batman: Arkham City. Despite hating the demo of Arkham Asylum, I loved the full game. I eventually realised this was due …

Batman: Arkham Asylum (360): COMPLETED!

With Mass Effect bagged on Monday, my next game to tackle was this. And what an absolutely outstanding game it was! I didn’t really enjoy the demo when I played that a while back, but now having played the full game I can see why – you miss some of the first part of the game out, and are chucked into a later bit too early. This means you need to use some slightly more advanced techniques too soon. It …

Lego Batman (360)

100% completed! Hurrah! This week I’ve been pecking at the remaining minikits, which for some reason were mostly on the Penguin levels – both hero and villain. The last minikit I got was by far the most difficult in the game. Harder than the whole of the rest of the game put together (erm, even though the rest of the game was very, very easy…). You have to slide down an icy slope, through 5 gates. Only you can’t jump, …

Lego Batman (360)

92.6% done, apparently. I’ve got all the power bricks from all the Hero missions, most of those from the Villain missions, all bar about 3 of the minikit pieces from the Hero missions, and about half of those from the Villain missions. I’ve also got a few people to rescue on various levels, and I just know I’m going to get frustrated on the ice-slide section of one of The Penguin’s levels.

Lego Batman (360)

I’ve now played through all the Hero missions again, bar three (I think) and got all of the Power Bricks and Minikit bits in them all. Pretty much, anyway. I’m still to work through the rest of the Villain missions though, and I’ve also got 200 achievement points yet to unlock too. I think I’ll get most of them all at the same time, though, once I’ve 100%ed the game. Currently I’m at around 85% done!

Lego Batman (360): COMPLETED!

Of course, I haven’t yet completed it 100%, but I’ve done all the story missions (and got Super Hero/Super Villain on them all) and the two bonus levels. It really is a great game, and so much bigger than Lego Indiana Jones. I do get the feeling some of the suits for Batman and Robin are a bit of a contrived device, and swapping characters and suits in Free Play mode is a bit of a chore as there are …

Lego Batman (360)

Yesterday morning, I turned on my 360 and bought some Microsoft Points so I had enough to buy the GTA IV expansion “The Lost and Damned”. I then bought the expansion. Then set about downloading the 1.8GB it takes up. At about 70% through the download, I had to go out to the shops. While I was out, I saw Lego Batman cheap in the shop and bought it. And that’s all I played all weekend. Lost and Damned be …

Fillum review: Batman Forever (1995)

No, I haven’t seen The Dark Knight yet. But this’ll do, yes? Sort of. Unlike the first two 1990s Batman films, which were a bit dark and "grown-up", Batman Forever doesn’t pretend to be much more than a film based on the 60s series. It’s a comedy. The baddies, The Riddler and Two-Face, are maniacal in the same way the baddies in 60s Batman were. It’s all bright colours and puns and silliness. The plot doesn’t make much sense. There …

Spider-Man: Remastered (PS5): COMPLETED!

The most important thing in any Spider-Man game is the web swinging. What’s the point of being Spider-Man without it? Sure, he could swing in some of the 2D 8 and 16-bit platformers, but when the Gamecube-era Spider-Man 2 game came out the freedom of 3D traversal round New York was a massive wow. The rest of that game… not so much. Well, much time has passed since then and this, the PS5-improved version of the PS4 exclusive, is very …

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate (PS4)

True to my word, I’m still playing. I’ve probably put six hours or more into it now, after finishing it. Or at least, getting to the point where I assume I’ve finished it. What I’ve done, is mainly find collectables. I did also go and talk with Henry, who thanked me for my work and said he had something for me. He didn’t. Similarly, I spoke to Clara, who said the same thing. Yet gave me nothing. In addition, I …