deKay's Lofi Gaming

Lego Batman 2: NEED!

I know a lot of people thought the original Lego Batman was the weakest of the Lego games, but I think it was awesome. And because I think that, it is fact. This looks even better though! Apart from the voice acting. Not too sure about Lego games with voice acting yet…

Need: New Tony Hawk game

Let’s pretend that Ride and Shred never existed, yes? Because, really, they didn’t. It was all a horrible, horrible dream. Now that we have erased them from all of time, let us instead look at Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater HD – the second best thing that could ever happen(*). A remake of levels from THPS games, in HD. On XBLA. Yes. NEED. * The best thing would be a 3DS compilation of THPS1-4, but this’ll do for now.

The wheel turns again

Which wheel? The Sonic Cycle wheel, of course. I will not be suckered again (you know I will) after the disappointment that was Sonic 4. And Sonic Colours. And two versions of Sonic Generations. I think that word pretty much sums up Sonic games these days – disappointment. A single play of the Sonic 4 Episode 2 trailer already shows some obvious problems. Firstly, most importantly, and most obviously – Tails. Gnnh. Just kill him off already. Then there’s the …

Oh Sega, you big tease

Why must you do this to me? Why, after all the terrible, terrible things I’ve seen and heard about Sonic Generations, why, after all the times you have burnt me in the past, WHY, oh WHY, must you then do this? I mean, that looks AWESOME. Oh I hate you, Sega. So very very much. Because now I need to buy this game, and you KNOW I will, and then you’ll make me pay for trusting you again by putting …

escapeVektor (Wii): COMPLETED!

LOOK AT IT. JUST. LOOK. Now, explain to me why Nnooo hasn’t sold eleventybrazillian copies. Why? Because nobody knows how to access WiiWare stuff on the Wii. Or even that WiiWare stuff exists. Or that their Wii can even connect to the internet. Or even that their Wii can play games that are not Wii Sports and Mario Kart. Which is a huge shame, because games like escapeVektor exist and are AWESOME, yet only seven people know about them. Of …