deKay's Lofi Gaming

Fillum review: Pan’s Labyrinth (2006)

Somewhat ignorantly, I didn’t realise this was all in Spanish with subtitles. Not that it matters (and I usually prefer the original language with subtitles than dubious dubbing), but I was a little surprised. I was also surprised by how nasty the film was. I knew it was considered a “fairytale for grown-ups”, but somehow this made me expect something more akin to Stardust, when, in fact, it seems to bear more resemblance to something like Platoon. Sort of. A …

Half-Life 2: Episode Two (360)

So I came out of the bit I was in, found a car (which required completion of a see-saw puzzle – a HUGE see-saw puzzle), and then Alyx and I set off for The White Forest again, without the Vortigaunt. I was worried the car bit was going to be like the car bit from Half Life 2, but thankfully was far less annoying. Partly because I can run zombies down in it. Ace! Then I found an old building …

Team Fortress 2 (360)

OH! MY! GOD! I was actually not only not crap, but actually absolutely vital to my team’s success today! I played a looooooong game of 8-on-8 Capture the Flag on the 2Forts map, as a Pyro. To start off, I thought I’d defend the flag (briefcase), seeing as no-one else was doing that, and saw off a fair few would-be thieves, but after a while my team got their act together defending, with gun turrets a-plenty and snipers and guards, …

Call of Duty 4 Beta (Demo) (360)

I hate soldier games. Almost all of them. I didn’t like any of the other Call of Duty games, nor did I like any of the Ghost Recon, Rainbow Six, Battlefield or Medal of Honour games. And FPSes are not really my thing, generally, anyway. But, getting on a beta is a special thing, so when I got a code to join up, I thought I should at least do Ubisoft the service of giving it a go. Wish I …

Military Madness (Wii)

In your face, Tim Miller! So you’re stuck on Level 4, eh? YOU ARE RUBBISH. It was EASY. I did WIN IT. I took over both un-owned factories to start with, and took out a Kilroy and a tank from the right of the map. The enemy sent in some more foot soldiers to try and regain the factories, but I stood firm and they didn’t come close. Until the helichopper thing came and started wiping out all my units. …

Military Madness (Wii)

I downloaded this for the Virtual Console last weekend, but then didn’t actually play it. Well, I loaded it, got confused, and turned it off again. Today, however, I found it has an in-game tutorial! I had a quick scan of that, and then started playing. And it’s lovely. Comparing it to Advance Wars is unfair (Military Madness is years older – if anything, it’s a clone of Famicom Wars, Advance Wars‘ great-grandad) but unavoidable. The premise is the same …

Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox)

I’ve had this game for some time, and have intended to play it many times before, but never got round to it. So today, I finally stuffed it in my Xbox and gave it a go. I’m not really sure what I was expecting. Some kind of “normal” RPG, like Final Fantasy or something, I suppose, but in fact it is much more like Anarchy Online. Only not online. Or multiplayer. But it is similar, if a bit cut-down. Chose …

Advance Wars: Dual Strike

Bah. I was doing really well, had shot all the missiles at the satellite, and had destroyed the huge cannon thing. I had even managed to make inroads towards the Black Hole base, and was generally winning. I had a small army of Blue Moon Neotanks and artillery en-route to do some damage, and a Blue Moon Battleship was providing backup and cover. And then, I got sloppy and let one Black Hole soldier through to the Blue Moon base …

Advance Wars: Dual Strike

Mission 18. A long narrow map, with two armies under my control – one on the bottom half of the map, one on the top – separated by a mountain range. On the far right (cloaked in Fog of War nastiness) was the Black Hole HQ. It was MUCH easier than I expected it to be, however. They did introduce another enemy unit (Oozium, which eats any ground unit in one go and is virtually indestructable), but it could only …

Anarchy Online

For a change, and to see if I could catch up with any of the ugv* n00bs, I created a new character and started again. Decided to be a Soldier this time, and it’s a hell of a lot easier! You get a weapon that kills most of the Beach Leets and Island Reets in one hit for a start. And you get a nanoprogram that bumps your Max HP up by 20 for half an hour or so. Got …