deKay's Lofi Gaming

Delivery from Deal Extreme

Have you ever bought anything from Deal Extreme? They’re the internet’s premier provider of shoddy Chinese tat. And quality Chinese tat, of course. Sometimes there are things I need to buy, and they’re the only place I can find it cheap, but then I end up adding other useless junk to the shopping basket while I’m there. A couple of weeks ago, my cheap-and-shoddy iPhone dock (bought from Deal Extreme) died, so I needed another. So back on the site …


I don’t have a PS3, but if I did, this would interest me. I loved Crackdown, and it seems to have a similar sort of feel to it. The blurb: In the aftermath of an urban disaster, an everyday guy finds himself with extraordinary powers. What he does with them is up to you. Welcome to inFamous, the sensational new title for PLAYSTATION¬¨?Ü3 If society collapsed tomorrow and you found yourself with unique powers that could either help people or …

Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

120 STARS! Amazing! I came to it today with just four stars remaining – all of which were actually comet stars, it turned out. First up was a Daredevil Comet on the Deep Dark Galaxy (killing the big Magikoopa without getting hit – easy!), and then I braved the Luigi’s Purple Coins star, which drained a good 8 or 9 lives before I nailed it. The last two (another purple coin one, and Fast Foe one) were both waaaaaay easier …

Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

Finished off Melty Molten Galaxy today (amongst other things) which included a Daredevil Comet Run (which was really hard) and a Purple Coin Collection “mission” which was also really hard, as some were floating over the top of the lava and those long crouch-jumps were required to get them else your bottom got burnt. A lot. And it did. But I’ve got 93 Stars now – only 27 left! Actually, that’s not quite true, apparently…

Phase (iPod)

Considering it is “just” an iPod game, Phase has had quite a bit of media attention this week. The main reason being it’s been done by none other than Guitar Hero and now Rock Band developers Harmonix, and it’s basically more of the same. OK, so you only have three buttons (although there’s also “slide around the controller” sections), but it’s the same thing in essence. You also get to use your own music! To do this, just add tracks …

skate. (Demo) (360)

I really, really want to hate this. I mean, Tony Hawk games are aces, and all other extreme sports games (Matt Hoffman, Kelly Slater, BMX XXX and even the actually pretty brilliant Aggressive Inline) pale in comparison. And now EA (who are like Satan in game publisher form) are trying to muscle in on Tony’s sacred domain. How very dare them. But… It’s good. There. I said it. Quietly, so Tony won’t hear. It took a while for the controls …

Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree (Wii)

I saw this for cheap in Asda this evening, and as I was going to buy it at some point anyway, I picked it up. It’s the same sort of thing as the DS version I played a fair bit of last year, only with mostly different activities and some over-the-internet stats comparison with other people in your Wii contacts list. First off, I went straight into a test. I’m really not good at the memorise stuff. Firstly, I can’t …

RIP James Langmead

James Langmead (or Jim, jimlang, or jil depending on how you knew him) was a regular poster on the newsgroup comp.sys.sinclair, World of Spectrum, assorted other retro gaming forums, and chatter on IRC Spectrum channels. He also set up and maintained Speccy Spoilers (currently down), a site which archived Spectrum game endings for people too crap to complete the games themselves. Or something. I’ve known him, as much as you know anyone online, for almost 10 years, mainly through comp.sys.sinclair …