deKay's Lofi Gaming

Sonic Adventure (360)

I’ve completed it $hlmun times. I still think it’s the second best 3D Sonic game. I bought it last week when it was on offer, and have been playing through as Sonic. At first, I thought, what? This is utter rubbish. I don’t remember it being this rubbish! I fell through the floor in the same place on the first level on my first go and lost all my lives. WHAT? RUBBISH! But then, despite Tails’ appearance and the (let’s …

Adventure Island: The Beginning (Wii): COMPLETED!

I know I was saying how hard this was, but in fact, it got easier as it went along. This was mainly due to being able to buy new moves and upgraded weapons; the double-jump and flying jump combined made some bits of the later levels very, very easy. I’m also convinced the end of game boss was easier than the second boss too. Once I’d figured out his pattern, anyway. After completing the game, you get another marker on …

Adventure Island: The Beginning (Wii)

Whilst having another loads-of-points-in-my-account-but-I-am-weak moment, I bought this from the Wii Ware shop in the week. I’m not impressed with the quality of the presentation, to be honest. The graphics are a bit shoddy, in that 2.5D way games sometimes are, and the screen fonts look like they’re poorly scaled, and it’s not in widescreen. However, it plays like a great platformer from days gone by. It’s hard (I’m at World 2-2 and it’s difficult already), but that’s good – …

Penny Arcade Adventures On The Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness: Episode 1 (360): COMPLETED!

It turned out I didn’t have a lot left to do in the game. I wiped out the last of the evil mimes with invisible items, then killed the last of the, uh, robots, fully upgraded my weapons, and then set off after the end of game boss. Who was actually pretty easy to beat. He took a fair while to take down, but I had so many items that even when he got a few full unblocked attacks in …

Penny Arcade Adventures On The Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness: Episode 1 (360)

I bought this a couple of weeks ago when it was on offer, but it’s only at the weekend that I had a chance to play it. I had enjoyed the demo previously, but 1600 points was a bit too much to pay for one episode of a game when I had loads of other games to play. 800 points, though, is a bargain. The story so far: is nuts. I didn’t really expect anything else, though. I’ve already cleared …

Spectrum Adventures in Wii Homebrew

It would seem that the Wii Homebrew “scene” has now matured to the point where not only are fully working games, apps and emulators now available, but there’s a modchip-free way of installing them. You stick a hacked Zelda save game on your Wii, load the game, and it crashes allowing some code to run. This installs the amazing “Homebrew Channel” on your Wii. There are loads of things you can do with it, but, as is my “thing”, the …

Adventures of Lolo 2 (Wii)

I bought and downloaded this for the VC at the weekend, but for reasons explained elsewhere, didn’t really get a chance to play it. But today, I did. And very lovely it is to. Basically, it’s the same as the first game, which I played (and enjoyed) last year. If you don’t recall, it’s a Sokoban type game, where you have to collect hearts, then some treasure, then escape the room. However, you have to push blocks and take certain …

Dewy’s Adventure (Wii)

My Wii has had a quiet time of things recently (Eternal Sonata, Tony Hawk and Assassin’s Creed saw to that), but with both Geometry Wars and Dewy arriving today, it’s had a bit of a renaissance. First impressions are… confused. The opening sequence is exactly the same graphical style as Eledees, with the same boy in it, and the same voice actor. The game itself, however, is totally different. It lies somewhere between Mercury Meltdown and, erm, something else. You …

Text adventure meets Subservient Chicken

Remember that interactive chicken thing that was an advert for KFC or something? Where you could tell it to jump up and down or die or hop or make cow noises? Some of which it responded to? Well, this Free Your Buddy is like that, only with a purpose! It’s a text adventure, with video. Amazing! Here’s a trailer: And here’s a link to the game:

Sonic Rush Adventure (DS): COMPLETED!

Phew! It’s about time I completed another game. Haven’t completed one in weeks! So there was just one more set of levels (well, aside from repeating a few hidden ones to pick up items I’d seem previously but it wouldn’t let me collect) – the pirate’s base in the old ruins. It was pretty easy, and the face-off with Captain Whisker and Johnny was alarmingly simple. Of course, there was a reall boss after that – a giant robot thing …

Sonic Rush Adventure (DS)

I think I may have done a couple of levels in the wrong order, as the ice level I’ve just finished was not only much easier than Sky Babylon, but also before it in the Stage Select list. The boss was bizarre – a giant metallic whale you smack on the nose before jumping inside and finding what looks like it could be a huge tonsil and smacking that too. Amazing. It’s also “nice” to see The Laws Of Platform …