deKay's Lofi Gaming

3DS Game Need List

It’s been a while since I posted up a list of games I need. Sorry, NEED. Some would say there aren’t many 3DS games out recently or in the next 12 months, which, if true, makes me wonder which bit of me made all these up: Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Marvel Pinball Heroes of Ruin Professor Layton & the Mask of Miracle New Super Mario Bros 2 Luigi’s Mansion 2 Harvest Moon Fire Emblem Rayman Origins Epic Mickey Paper Mario Layton …

Games I’ve Played In The Last Week Or Two

Haven’t had an update post in a while, and I’ve been trying out lots of different games over the last couple of weeks and not made mention of them here, so here’s a roundup: Say What You See (iOS) A series of pictures with hidden clues to game titles, films, etc. Like a cross between Where’s Wally? and a cryptic crossword. There are number of “canvases”, and I’ve been playing the Arcade Games one. Completed it, but some of them …

Top 10 Game Boy Advance Games

Ah, the Game Boy Advance. To many, a portable SNES without enough buttons to effectively be a portable SNES, and one with a screen invisible in all but the glow of a 100W lightbulb. That didn’t stop it from having arguably the best catalogue of games of any system, however, and with the lit screen of the GBA SP (further refined in the GB Micro), it became and remains my favourite handheld ever. And I loved my DS and 3DS a lot. …

Too many games!

It’s that time of year again. Well, actually, it’s not, which is the problem. Traditionally, there’s slim pickings for new games around this time of year. The busiest times for releasing new titles (especially big titles) is normally around Christmas and often over Easter too, but the July-October period is like release death in the UK. Except this year. As well having Bioshock released this week already, there’s fahsands more out between now and the end of November. Before the …