deKay's Lofi Gaming

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (360)

Spent a while producing scamps and skeletons to raise up my Conjuration stats a bit, and then decided to go to Cheydinhal, since I’d never been there before and it’s the location of the next bit of the Thieves Guild questline. To get there, I warped to Imperial City, and the set off East on foot. Had a few bandits to contend with on the road, but they were easily killed with the help of a scamp! Explored Cheydinhal for …

Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS)

Went over to my wife’s town and gave her some more fruit, as well as some money to buy any paintings she might have that I don’t. After that, she came over to my town and we had a quick fishing competition, which I lost. Did catch loads of other fish later though, including a Zebra Turkey Fish (which are possibly made from Quorn Turkey Ham), which I donated to the museum. Caroline the Squirrel is trying to move out …

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (360)

Finally! I have an actual real 360 game that isn’t a demo or an Xbox Live Arcade download! And it is actually pretty impressive too. Perhaps the last game like this that I’ve played was probably some Amiga title which I’ve forgotten the name of. I was always tempted by Morrowind, which is the game before Oblivion in the Elder Scrolls series, but the PC version would run like poo on my PC (at the time) and the ten minute …

Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox): COMPLETED!

Well. That took AGES. And AGES. Just over 36 hours in total, in fact. I knew it was a long game, but I was expecting nearer 20 when I started it. I didn’t even do many of the side quests either. Started off today on the “Unknown Planet”, and had to do some kind of mediation between two tribes of Rakata – the followers of The One, and the Elders. Well, I’m not sure what went wrong, but it seems …

Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox)

On Dantooine, there is a Jedi Order, and after speaking with them they told me “the Force is strong” in me, or something. So I was to become a Jedi Padawan. Whatever that is supposed to be. First, there were three tests. One was knowing the Jedi equivalent of the Scout’s “I’ll do my best” thingie, another was to build my own lightsaber. I chose to become a “Jedi Consular”, as that seemed most rounded of the three choices, and …

Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons

Dungeon 6 appeared to be huge once I’d found the map, but luckily it wasn’t – there were six or so floors, but each one was smaller than the last, so it wasn’t oo big in the end. It was a bit complicated though. The weapon gained here was a Magic Boomerang – an upgrade for my normal one, but this one has greater range, power, and can be aimed with Sensible Soccer-like aftertouch. The mid-boss here was easy, and …