Trine 2 (Wii U): COMPLETED!

With about 15 hours on the clock, I’m done. Woo! As previously posted, once I got the controls sorted, I was well away and really enjoyed it. Sure, there are a few puzzles which I appeared to fudge or break in order to complete them (I don’t think I did them any of the accepted “correct” ways), but that didn’t seem to matter. A very pretty game, and well worth a play through. I don’t think I’ll go through again …

Trine 2 (Wii U)

However pretty it is, for some reason I didn’t quite gel with Trine 2 at first. The controls were fiddly, having to swap character and weapon and use all the buttons and the touch screen, and as much as I wanted to love it, I didn’t. Then, when I realised it’s the only Wii U game I have that I haven’t completed (aside from Nintendo Land, which I’m not sure counts? That’s a debate for another time, perhaps), I got …

Stuff I’ve been playing recently

It’s another lazy roundup! Yay! Nintendo Land (Wii U) I’ve completed the Pikmin Adventure game, which took a couple of hours (and unlocked some more, harder levels). It’s really very good, and has me itching for Pikmin 3. I also played Octopus Dance some more, but no matter how well I do, a controller calibration or disconnection problem happens and I lose. Bah. Mighty Switch Force HD (Wii U) Although the level called “Bonus 5” is seemingly the same as …

The First Wii U Post

My Wii U arrived! So I spent most of the weekend playing it and the games I got with it. Nintendo Land It’s not a minigame collection. No matter who tells you it is, it isn’t. It’s a collection, sure, but some of the games are full, proper games. Take the Pikmin Adventure game. It’s Pikmin. Sure, it’s not got all the item collecting and night-time save-all-the-pikmin bits, but it’s a complete and reasonably long “campaign”. Single player only game …