Viva Pinata (360)

Got a few more achievements this evening, and also managed to prevent all Sours and nasties (like Dastardos and the Ruffians) from entering my garden by buying the remaining parts of the Tower of Sour and the required items to keep things at bay. That certainly made things a lot more relaxed in the garden, until I mated my new Rashberry and a Swanana to make a Pigxie. Thos things are vicious towards their parents, attacking them all the time. …

Viva Pinata (360)

Nooo! Professor Pester came into my garden and killed my blinged up Cinnamonkey! He was worth fahsands as well, and I was about to get him to mate. Rubbish. Then a Ruffian can into my garden and filled in so much of my pond with vomit mud that I couldn’t romance my Swananas or my Dragumflies. Also rubbish! Then I bought a Rashberry, and it instantly vanished! Even more rubbish! But at least I got my Swananas to breed, finally, …

Viva Pinata (360)

Managed to get myself not one, but two Swananas today. They’re ace, but sadly, they kept fighting with my Quackberry. That was solved by selling it so they couldn’t. Once you’ve made a pinata resident, you can “buy” another one anyway, so it’s no real loss (and I want it in my other garden so I can feed it to my Pretztail anyway). My bullrushes all matured, and I sold them for 1120 coins each. I then sold a load …

Viva Pinata (360)

Since I now want to start attracting some water-based species of pinata, such as Quackberries and Swananas, I decided to start a new garden. It turns out that you carry your game level, tools, money and access to items and pinatas over to any other gardens you create, so it isn’t like starting from scratch entirely. After beating the hard soil down in my new garden (which took ages), I dug a huge pond, which takes up about 40-50% of …

Viva Pinata (360)

Became a Master Romancer for the Bunnycombs today, which meant I didn’t really need them any more, so sold them. I then made a start breeding Lickatoads and Newtgats, becoming a Master Romancer in the latter. I also tamed a Macaracoon, but buying a Cluckles (which the Sour Macaracoon ate), and by being a Master Romancer for five (well, six really) species. Managed to find a few more variants too, making pink Buzzlegums, a pink Pretztail, a green Pretztail, and …

Viva Pinata (360)

Went on a bit of a selling spree today, as my garden was full again. Sold all my Squazzils (I had some left, it seems), most of my remaining Flutterscotches (except a yellow one which it doesn’t give me the option of selling), and then set about getting a Master Romancer award for Whirlms and Bunnycombs. After that I sold most of them too, and started breeding Newtgats.

Viva Pinata (360)

MATING FRENZY! Well, sort of. I mated a load of Squazzils and some Lickatoads, and then made a start on selling my Jameleons, Squazzils and Candaries. I need the space for the Lickatoad population explosion I’m expecting to create. Also decided to try and coax some more Bunnycombs and Whirlms back in, as I haven’t got the Master Romancer award for either of those, even though I’ve bred them a billion times each. Tamed my first Crowla today too! That …

Viva Pinata (360)

Gnngh! Super Addiction Fighter II Turbo! Right, Bunnycombs are now gone. I wanted to breed Pretztails, and I thought it best to get rid of them all before they were eaten. Having sold them all, I then sold my Buzzlegums and Mothdrops to make some space. However, I don’t have everything needed to breed Pretztails, so a change of plan was in order. I evolved some Sparrowmints into Candaries, then bred about 15 of them. I also made some Squazzils …

Viva Pinata (360)

#Viva Pinata! Filled with fun! (Filled with fun!) says the theme tune. And it’s jammed in my head like a pokey thing jammed into a thing that pokey things get jammed into. Gah! So I managed to breed ten billion Bunnycombs today, and even fed one a pumpkin and found it made it turn yellow! Yellow Bunnycombs are BEST. I also hired quite a bit of help – someone to water things and someone to harvest things. The problem with …

Viva Pinata (360)

I’ve decided to keep my pinata species count down to just three: Whirlms, Bunnycombs and Mothdrops. None of them seem especially vicious towards any of the others (although there were a few fights today, and even some between two Bunnycombs), and the garden was much easier to manage as a result. I still had to watch out for Pretztails on the prowl for my Bunnycombs, but since they usually appear at night, and I now have a Bunnycomb house, that …