Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages

More wandering around Symmetry City, and it turns out I’d missed a house to go in. Got the broken Tuni Nut, and went off to see Tokkey up the mountain. I played my harp to him, and he gave me another tune that now lets be go back to the future (TM) whereever I want. With this, I made it up some wall to get the nut repaired (which involved some silly minigame), and went back to Symmetry City. Oh …

Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages

With the dungeon complete, I had to get off Tokay Island. Conveniently, Demetri the Dodongo dragon lizard fish monster bull appeared, and carried me back to civilisation. I was told by the Maku Tree to head north-west, and on my way met Impa who informed me Zelda had been kidnapped – by some baddie from Seasons, in fact. Into the Black Tower and quick game of Donkey Kong later, and Zelda was saved. I got a ring for my trouble. …

Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages

And into Dungeon 3. This Oracles game is certainly more puzzley than Seasons, with many more difficult puzzles to solve and easier (so far) baddies and bosses. Dungeon 3 was pretty small, but the puzzles extended it somewhat. The mid-boss was very simple. He actually tells you how to kill him, pretty much. Needless to say, no problems there. The weapon I picked up in this dungeon was a Seed Shooter. Similar to the Seed Slingshot from Seasons, only this …

Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages

Paradoxes abound when I got Cheval’s rope in the present to use in the past as he hadn’t finished developing it yet. Ditto the flippers. With the raft built, it was off to see Tingle to get some sea charts, and I went rafting off into the sea. Where a storm blew up, and shipwrecked me on an island full of Tokay lizard people. The thieving gets stole all my item though, so I spent ages collecting them all back …

Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages

First off, I created a new game by linking Seasons to Ages. Although I’d hoped that this would give me teh magic powaz from Seasons at the start of my quest, it didn’t. Rubbish. It did, however, continue the story. Twinrova, some baddies I met in Seasons, appeared and said some stuff about Onox not dying in vain, and some flames being lit so that the Great King can be summoned. Or something. And then it was off into the …

Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons: FINNYSHED!

Hurrah! I had just one attempt today, but it was plenty to defeat the Dragon! I avoided almost all of his attacks, remembered to swap rings when necessary, and even ended up with several hearts remaining. Onox dead, Din saved, Game Over! Except for the bit that says “To be continued in Oracle of Ages”, of course. Good job I have that too!

Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons

Yes. I still haven’t managed to kill him. I even went back to Ring Man to see if I had any rings that might help me. I have a Power one, which increases my attack strength, but also weakens my defence. That’d be fine, since I can put it on just before I attack the dragon, then take it off in case I get hit. That was the plan, anyway. In reality, I lost all bar one heart before I …

Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons

Dungeon 8 is teh winned. The mid-boss wasn’t so bad after I realised you only had to hit him once in his “fire” form, and could do the rest of the damage in his “ice” form, making him much easier. The rest of the dungeon was pretty straightforward, with a strange “chuck ice down holes” bit near the end. That done, and it was on to the end boss. Who was really easy. I just watched his patterns for the …

Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons

Two or three entries to the diary for the price of one here, as I’ve been plowing through the game off and on today. Firstly, I finished off Dungeon 7. The ‘weapon’ there wasn’t what I thought it might be, though – it turned out to be Roc’s Cape – an upgrade to the feather allowing me to jump three times as far as previously. The mid-boss was pretty feeble, being just two ghosts I’d fought elsewhere in the dungeon, …

Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons

The ship I needed was in the desert, and some “adventuring” needed to be done to reach it and get it afloat. This involved using a skull to find a bell in some quicksand, and then having the bell polished. Obviously. That complete, and it was into Dungeon 7. Have obtained the map and compass here, and I suspect the weapon may be some kind of grappling hook or possibly a more powerful bomb. Or a chicken.