deKay's Lofi Gaming

Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga (PS5): COMPLETED!

It’s been a long time since a Lego game came out. This one is (yet another) Star Wars themed one, which re-treads a lot of ground from previous Lego Star Wars games due to the fact they’re based on the same films. They are, however, all new levels, and the most recent two films have never been developed into a Lego game either, so that’s OK. It’s also a “new engine”, “rewritten from the ground up” or something, so you …

Star Trek Online (PS5): COMPLETED!

As it turns out, it is possible to complete Star Trek Online, and it’s possible to do it without paying any money at all. Because that’s what I did. I know that for many people, the game here is all the endgame content, playing with others, doing the same missions over and over and collecting all the ships and stuff. That’s not for me. I reached the cap of level 65, then finished all the single play missions remaining, and …

Bezier (Switch): COMPLETED!

Bezier is what would happen if Geometry Wars and Deus Ex Machina had a baby. All the neon eye cocaine of the former, with the disembodied narration and storytelling of the latter. And both bits are great. The gameplay is pure arcade. A twin-stick shooter with Gradius-like powerups, Blasteroids-like “bosses”, and a lot of dodging and weaving and sometimes running away. It looks, and sounds, incredible, and there’s some meaty feedback when big things explode. Like Out Run, there’s a …

Lots of Homebrew Wii Stuff (Wii)

I checked the Homebrew Downloader today for the first time in ages, and found all sorts of new stuff on there. WiiLander was great – it’s an old game, sure, but with the Wii’s controls (tilt left and right to steer, rotate remote to provide more or less thrust) it plays very differently. Giddy 3 is a Dizzy clone, and although it looks nice the only item I could find to pick up was a tub of lard, and I …

Atari Anthology

Played this for the first time today. It’s a collection of some 65 or so Atari 2600 games, and 15 or so Atari arcade games. The bizarre side-effect of this, is that there are two versions of many games (such as Pong, Battlezone and Asteroids). Anyway, I played Adventure (and completed it on Level 2) mainly to see if I could remember the routes through the mazes. I could, but I seemed to be far crapper at the game than …