deKay's Lofi Gaming

Maneater (PS5): COMPLETED!

At first, Maneater is a great fish-chomping game with slightly annoying combat (with crocodiles and barracuda) and a funny faux Deadliest Catch style narration, but it soon starts to become tedious and repetitive. And then, even though the game doesn’t change, it becomes fun again. I’m not sure why. You’re a baby shark, who eats to get bigger and evolve, ultimately to take down Scaly Pete, the fisherman who killed your mother. The waters you swim in are broken down …

Octodad: Dadliest Catch (PS4): COMPLETED!

Firstly, I should point out that the lyrics to this game’s theme song have been wedged in my head for the last few days. Specifically “Octodad – nobody suspects a thing”. It’s so catchy. As for the game, it’s frustrating, looks a lot like that original Xbox Leisure Suit Larry game in graphics quality and style, is impossible to control, had a terrible camera, and is awesome. You’re an octopus trying to live his life, implausibly with his family who …

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag (Wii U)

Assassin’s Creed III was a disappointment. After the great previous three games (especially Brotherhood), Ubisoft seemed to throw all the fun out of the game and fill it with useless and tedious sidequests. You can see it started a little in Revelations with the ill-advised Tower Defence bits, but aside from one single mission it was entirely optional and avoidable, but III was filled to the brim with nothing I wanted to play. Naval battles. Ship upgrades. Homestead improvements. Yes, …

Tokyo Jungle (PS3)

Progress! After $hlmun attempts, I finally unlocked Beagle with my Cat. For the first time, I managed to get as far as the Beagle Boss without being eaten by some animal bigger and hungrier than me, and took him down. Hurrah! I also succeeded in unlocking the Rabbit by touching the Rabbit Boss with a chick. A chick! What a useless animal. With the Beagle, I’ve been merrily slaughtering the Retriever population of Shibuya, but have yet to encounter the …

Sonic Generations (360): COMPLETED!

This is not the time or the place to bring up that I said I wasn’t going to buy it. Nor is it the time or the place to say I played and completed the 3DS version, which was pants, already. All it is sufficient to do is say this: Mistakes Were Made. Let us begin with how rubbish the 360 version is. Let us say how many times I ran through walls or fell through the floor and died. This many …

2010: The Games

So it comes the time to round up my top five games from 2010. As is always the case, a lot of games I actually played in 2010 were, in fact, from previous years. The result of which means that my Top 5 Games of 2010 is really my Top 5 Games That May Have Come Out In 2010 But There’s A Chance They May Have Been Released At Some Point Previous And For That I Apologise. Oh yes, and …

Batman: Arkham Asylum (360): COMPLETED!

With Mass Effect bagged on Monday, my next game to tackle was this. And what an absolutely outstanding game it was! I didn’t really enjoy the demo when I played that a while back, but now having played the full game I can see why – you miss some of the first part of the game out, and are chucked into a later bit too early. This means you need to use some slightly more advanced techniques too soon. It …

Tomb Raider Anniversary (360)

I’m still in Greece, but only because everything seems to take ages to do there. I’ve done the puzzles associated with Midas, a couple of which made me scratch my head a bit, swum through what appears to be some flooded sewers, and ended up in a huge room with crocodiles in it. I’ve killed them, but there’s a load of puzzley stuff to do now.