deKay's Lofi Gaming

Yakuza 3 (PS3)

Forgive me if I was wrong, but I was expecting Yakuza 3 to be a violent look at the Japanese mafia families, and missions would be lots of punching, fighting, and so on. Perhaps with some nasty plot twists involving betrayal and murder. And blood. In fact, the stories of the first two games (which I haven’t played, but are included in video form in this game) would imply that I would be correct to assume Yakuza 3 would be …

Gameking – Unleash the Games!

<< Previous (The Gameking) Gameking Games Readers without short-term memory problems will recall that I bought 13 games to go with my Gameking. Each and every one is special in its own special way. Special as in “special needs”, naturally. Firstly, a few points about Gameking games. The cartridges are strikingly familiar to anyone who has ever played on a Game Boy, since they’re exactly the same as Game Boy cartridges. Almost, anyway – instead of “Game Boy” they say …

Commanders: Attack (360)

I’m on the last mission, which has been quite tricky so far due to buildings restricting visibility and so I can’t see far enough (or round corners) to spot enemy heavy artillery that keep wanting to blow my units up. And then I keep running into bombers and gunships with units that can’t attack them. And there are Super Units hiding everywhere. But I’ve made it far enough across the map to see the enemy HQ. I’ve saved for now …

Commanders: Attack (360)

Up to mission 8 now. This really is very good, especially when, like on mission 6, I completely obliterated the enemy using a million tanks and light artillery, finishing the mission without losing a single unit and with full health. Aces! Mission 7 was a “stay alive for X rounds” mission, and the first to have enemy aircraft. My advisor recommended I use anti-air units, but they were really underpowered and could be destroyed by a gunship in one turn. …

Half-Life 2 (360): COMPLETED!

Well, I wasn’t expecting to complete it tonight, but the last two chapters were very short and so I did. Erm, hurrah! I won’t spoil it for anyone else who hasn’t played it yet, but the last few hours were mostly filled with huge battles with striders and gunships, and hordes of baddies. Luckily, you’re accompanied by a team of other people for much of it, until you reach the Citadel, anyway. The end boss was a bit easy, although …

Half-Life 2 (360)

Played loads of this today, and finished the whole buggy section. It took longer than was probably necessary as I stopped at every junction, house and building to see what was inside – usually ammo I didn’t need and baddies I certainly didn’t need. The buggy section, like the airboat bit before it, seemed to go on far too long. It was more fun than the airboat bit, and you actually felt like you were getting somewhere in it (whereas …