deKay's Lofi Gaming

Metroid Zero Mission (Switch): COMPLETED!

An actual Metroid Metroidvania game! Released on the Switch Game Boy Advance Online Service Thing presumably to tie in with the re-announcement (and gameplay footage) of the upcoming Metroid Prime 4, I thought, why the hell not eh? It’s good. Oh so good. Yes, I’ve played it before, but almost 20 years ago so I remembered very little of it. In fact, I’d even forgotten about the whole “zero suit” bit where Samus loses her armour and you have to …

Metroid Fusion (Switch): COMPLETED!

Like Minish Cap, Metroid Fusion is a GBA game I haven’t played for a very, very long time. Also like Minish Cap, I have it on my 3DS, also unplayed. But let me not talk of what I haven’t played, for this appeared on Switch Online and I did play it. Metroid Fusion is a more linear than usual Metroid title. That’s not to say there isn’t any backtracking or hidden things, more that it’s very hand-holdy and you’re told …

Metroid Dread (Switch): COMPLETED!

It’s been a long time coming, but I have filled this last year or two with many, many Metroidvania games in preparation. Even though I didn’t know it was coming. Of course I ordered it instantly. And, it was really good. I didn’t expect otherwise, but people were very down on Metroid: Other M and I never really got into that myself either. It was lacking the Metroid lonely atmosphere, I think. Too many other people. Lots of chat. Not …

Super Metroid (Wii U): COMPLETED!

And that’s it. Samus saved the day (although, in the end, all she saved was herself – spoilers). The game was completed in 7 hours 40 minutes, and with a collected items percentage of 79. I’m surprised it’s as low as 79%, as although I didn’t attempt to get 100%, I did search pretty much everywhere and only knowingly missed three upgrades – two missiles that I saw but couldn’t figure out how to reach, and a Reserve Tank that I …

Super Metroid (Wii U)

To my eternal shame, I have never completed Super Metroid. In fact, I’ve never played it for more than the first five minutes. I don’t know why I decided to rectify this situation now, but I did. Maybe it’s the fun I had with of-the-same-era Earthbound, or maybe it’s a Backlog Fighter/OCD Unplayed Home Screen Games combo prompting me. I’ve always intended to play it, and I’m a big fan of the two GBA Metroid games so I was pretty …

Metroid Prime Hunters (DS)

Hmm. I haven’t played this in ages and appear to be lost. I landed on Lava Land (or whatever it is called) and warped back to the last bit I’d got to. There was a locked door, so I backtracked a bit, found a new route, and opened the locked door from the other side. Erm. That means I have no idea where to go. I thought maybe I needed to go back to the Celestial Archive, but there was …

Metroid Prime Hunters (DS)

So now I’m on some sort of lava world. What’s the betting there’s also an ice world to contend with later, eh? Anyway. I’ve gone through a few rooms, found a few artifacts, killed another hunter (some yellow bloke who has spikes when in ball form), navigated a morph ball maze, and then killed a load of baddie-generating thingies, and finally warped back to my ship to save. Getting used to the controls now, but still not quite there…

Metroid Prime Hunters (DS)

Worked my way through to another area today, and had to fight a huge boss thing. There were blue lights on this big pillar thing that I had to shoot, while lasers were fired at me. After a few hits, a crystal thing pops out of the top for a bit and shoots me, and then it starts over with a different laser pattern. Luckily, it was pretty easy. After killing it, I then had to leg it to my …

Metroid Prime Hunters (DS)

So it seems that I was about a minute away from a save point. Well, actually I was less than a minute from a warp back to my ship, which is a save point. Anyway. Warped and saved. Then decided to play a couple of multiplayer games online. Just played against random people, and on my first game the host quit. On the second game, however, I came second. Which is pretty good, I thought. The trick seems to be …

Metroid Prime Hunters (DS)

I absolutely hated the demo, you know. Controls were rubbish. There was no lock-on. It all looked a bit “meh”. It just wasn’t Metroid, basically. And now look at what I’ve gone and bought! Tch, eh? And, well. The controls seem much the same. The graphics have improved quite a bit, though, but there’s still no lock-on and it still doesn’t feel quite right. It’s also a bit difficult to hold the DS in one hand, operate the d-pad, and …

Metroid Prime Pinball

High score attemptage on the Tallon Overworld table. I racked up 9,800,000, then lost my final ball. However, my Bounty Bonus (possibly involving a coconut-based chocolate snack) bumped it up to over 10,000,000 and I got an extra ball! Phew, eh? Sadly, I then lost that one soon afterwards, but I did end up with about 11,800,000 in the end.

Metroid Prime Pinball: PRIMED!

Cripes. I didn’t expect that. I was merrily playing Multi Mission, and then I realised I had a score of about 3,000,000. Then I realised I had just collected the 12th and final artifact. Then, I was in the Artifact Temple place, and was defeating Meta Ridley, and then I was in the Impact Crater “fighting” Metroid Prime. Just like in, erm, Metroid Prime. And it was ACE. Then I killed it, and thus I winnared. Credits and everything. Of …

Metroid Prime Pinball

I have actually played this game a bit already this week, but today was my first proper go at it. Although the game is SUPARACEBESTEST and all that, word yo, it isn’t that easy. You get two tables to begin with, with more unlockable if you play through “Multi Mission” mode (which is basically a pinballised version of the Metroid Prime story). I have Pirate Frigate and Tallon Overworld available currently. The former is harder to get points on than …