deKay's Lofi Gaming

Streets of Rage 4 (PS5): COMPLETED!

Oh would you look – a PS+ monthly game that’s actually good and I don’t already own! How rare. And yes, it is good! It’s a long awaited sequel to the original Mega Drive fighting games, if we ignore the Fighting Force game which was obviously supposed to be Streets of Rage 4 for the Saturn anyway. And even that was decades ago. SoR4 doesn’t deviate from the previous games very much at all, really. You punch and kick through …

3D Streets of Rage 2 (3DS): COMPLETED!

Streets of Rage 2 was always so much better than Streets of Rage 1 in so many ways. Better graphics, more moves, none of those stupid Blaze clones who are impossible to beat, and so on. It was also easier, but sadly the music isn’t quite as good. Ah well, you can’t have everything. I played through it today on the 3DS (in lovely 3D), as Blaze (because Blaze is best and not because you can see her knickers oh …

3D Streets of Rage (3DS): COMPLETED!

This is not what I expected one of my first completed games of 2014 to be, what with having got A Link Between Worlds and Duck Tales recently. Something made me want to buy and start playing this yesterday (perhaps because I’d just finished Steamworld Dig), and I finished it today. It’s the same game as it ever was, although you’ll notice I opted for the Japanese version (mainly because I’ve never played it). It made little difference bar the …

Rage Trailer

Is it just me, or does the big guy running the show look like Bam Margera’s creepy uncle? Also, it doesn’t look much like the iPhone version. Aside from the graphics, of course. This looks much more flashy and shooty.

Fallout 3: Operation Anchorage (360): COMPLETED!

It would appear that the entire Anchorage simulation within Fallout 3 is only about 4 hours long in total. That’s not really a bad thing as such, it’s just I was hoping it might be a little bit longer. Having said that, I enjoyed it despite it not really feeling like Fallout 3 much. It was very linear, heavy on the shooting, and completely different in terms of ammo and health management. Looking forward to the other two planned extra …

Fallout 3: Operation Anchorage (360)

Yes! It’s back to Fallout 3! There was a new expansion recently, called Operation Anchorage, and with Lego Indiana Jones completed, I decided to make a start on it. Once in the game, you get a message saying there’s a radio signal from the Brotherhood Outcasts, and a new marker on the map. Once there, you help them out for a bit, then you’re put in a computer simulator (like the Tranquillity Lane ones), and take part in a recreation …

Streets of Rage 2 (360)

Hmm. Things are not going so well now. I lost two continues trying to kill the boss that looks like Blanka from Street Fighter II, and so have made it to Level 5 with just two lives (and no more continues, it seems) left. I then had a go on Versus Mode on Xbox Live. Sadly, it is totally broken. If you host, you win. The reason? If you’re not hosting, all of your movements are delayed by almost a …

Streets of Rage 2 (360)

You know, a lot of people say that Streets of Rage 2 is the pinnacle of 16-bit side-scrolling fighting games. Personally, I prefer both the first and the third games over this, but I don’t really know why. So I bought it (for just 400 points) and am now on Level 3, having died just once – on the end of level 2 boss. I very nearly made it without being killed by him too, which is a shame.

Rain On Your Parade (Switch): COMPLETED!

Rain On Your Parade is one of those silly arcade games that things like Donut County and Pool Panic. In this, you’re a sentient cloud who – initially – is mainly tasked with raining on things. After all, what else can a cloud do? You have to soak so many people or rust so many vehicles, that sort of thing. Quickly things take a bit of a turn when you’re encouraged to cause chaos, set fire to stuff (you can …

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Switch): COMPLETED!

This game is big, busy, and full of charm, even if it doesn’t quite hit the same epic scale as the first Xenoblade Chronicles. If you’ve played the first game, you’ll see some familiar creatures (like the adorable fluffball Nopon) and field enemies, but there’s no direct link between the two stories – at least, not initially. That said, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is prettier than the first game, with vibrant visuals and more detailed environments. It’s also much busier, with …

Beglitched (Steam Deck): COMPLETED!

Someone recommended this game over on Mastodon and it looked interesting. Then it turned out I already owned it and could play it on my Steam Deck. Result, eh? It’s a match-3 puzzle game, but one that messes with the rules a bit. The idea isn’t just to match-3 (or more), as it matter which icons you match. For example, you only have so many moves, but matching certain symbols gives you more moves. Additionally, there’s a digital creature on …

Tokyo Xanadu eX+ (Steam Deck): COMPLETED!

Persona! There we go. I was going to try not to mention it at all but I realised that would be impossible so thought I’d just come straight out with it. Yes indeed: Tokyo Xanadu is very Persona. Perhaps that is why I enjoyed it so much. So, stop me when you’ve heard this one before. Some school children who ordinarily wouldn’t mix with each other because one is really shy and one is perceived to be a bully and …