deKay's Lofi Gaming


Somehow, over the course of today’s play, I bumped into another bug. I lost all my rings, and then picked one up. I then had 999 rings. How bizarre. Killed all of the million baddies Eggman sent at me in wave after boring wave, and then started on the last few levels of the game. Once more, just like almost every other Sonic game, they’re set on Eggman’s flying fleet of ships. And, like Sonic Adventure 2, there are far …

Metroid Fusion: EXPLODED!

Hurrah! The SA-X was killified on my fifth or so go. It seems there’s an easy way to kill it, if you jump over it and shoot it in the back. Then I had to run to my ship, which had vanished – to be replaced with a [spoiler]! Then [spoiler] happened, and it was the end!

Metroid Fusion

Jumpy shooty killy explodey fun later (including another run-in and escape-from the SA-X Evil Me), and I make it back to my ship. There I’m told that the power is down everywhere, and I need to find the cause. Some maze navigation ensues, and I kill some X-Space Pirate thingies, and run into a giant spider. Who kills me in about three hits. Boo.

Star Trek: Shattered Universe

Gah! I’m sure there’s a bug in this game, which randomly causes your mission to end when you blow up Orion capital ships. The mission I’m on, takes the form of a scouting session round a load of mostly destroyed ISS ships. And the mission is long, like 20 minutes or so. Then, as I’m heading back to the Excelsior, Orion pirates appear again. I blow up the ship, and even though I’m some 260,000, er, “things” away (you need …

Star Trek: Shattered Universe

The “Field of Hono(u)r” mission was really annoying me for much of today’s play. It’s a rock-Klingon-rock mission, but then two Orion ships appear and loads of fighters. I managed to kill the Klingons and the rocks, and one of the two Orion capital ships (the other ran away) – but the Orion fighters are so quick that they’re hard to kill. Invariably, that left the Excelsior blown up. That wasn’t the most irritating thing though – the time it …

Star Trek: Shattered Universe

This game really doesn’t want you to do much other than shoot things, does it? I finally managed to figure out how to release the Excelsior from the dry dock in time, before some big ships arrived to try and destroy me. But I defeated them, and it was onto the next mission. I had to destroy some more ships, then pick up some dilithium crystals, and then shoot more ships. Then the Enterprise appeared again, so I shot it …

Star Trek: Shattered Universe

So I shot some more Klingons, shot a rock for minerals, then shot some Klingons, then shot a rock for more minerals. Then I shot some Klingons, and then shot a rock. After that, I shot some Klingons, followed by a rock. Then Klingons. Then a rock. And some Klingons. And a rock. Riveting stuff, no? Finally, with all the Klingons and rocks out of the way, I flew back to the Excelsior. Sadly, there were some Klingons (but no …

Star Trek: Shattered Universe

I’m giving this a go. Good as PES4 is, it isn’t “completable”, and I need something that is. So far, Sulu and the Excelsior have ended up in the Mirror Universe, Chekov (commanding the ISS Enterprise) has attacked me, and I’ve shot some of his ships, and some Klingons. It’s like a crap version of Rogue Leader. And I didn’t like Rogue Leader.

Paper Mario 2

Went back to this for a couple more hours. I’ve done a few errands on the island, and gone up about three levels now. I’m mostly putting badge points up when I level-up, as these seem to be the most important things at the moment, not least that there are a few ice-based attacked they give you – useful against the fire-based baddies on the island! I also have another member in my party too, who has a couple of …

Paper Mario 2

Finally completed the whole of Chapter 4 today. Had to kill the baddie-with-no-name again, after finding out what his name was. It was bizarre, as since everyone thinks he’s you, your partners are on his team, so you have to deal with them too. And you have a baddie on your team, just to make things even more upside-down. After that, I wandered round Rogueport for a bit, “upgraded” two of my partners, and found out where I had to …

Atari Anthology

Played this for the first time today. It’s a collection of some 65 or so Atari 2600 games, and 15 or so Atari arcade games. The bizarre side-effect of this, is that there are two versions of many games (such as Pong, Battlezone and Asteroids). Anyway, I played Adventure (and completed it on Level 2) mainly to see if I could remember the routes through the mazes. I could, but I seemed to be far crapper at the game than …