deKay's Lofi Gaming

Atari Lynx

My Atari Lynx History Apart from seeing an Atari Lynx behind glass in my tiny local games shop, my first experience with the handheld was back in 1992 when a friend brought his along on our German exchange school trip. I didn’t get a chance to play with it on the trip over, and neither did he for very long – the batteries didn’t even last until the ferry port and it wasn’t until he bought some more while we …

2005 Entries

Invade-o-Trons from Planet Q Paul E. Collins Starglider’s Review: Claims to be the worst Space Invaders clone ever made, and I would be quite ready to agree. it even tells you that there is an error that occurs quite often.BUT… it does play, and error aside, it is possible to play. Still, it is an awful game! 6/10 Dunny’s Review: This is a BASIC port of the classic 70’s smash, “Space Invaders”. And what a mind-numbingly great port it is too. …

Attack of the Friday Monsters (3DS): COMPLETED!

This is another one of those “Guild” games – short, experimental titles that were originally in a compilation in Japan, but were released in the UK as separate digital only games. I’d been interested in getting it for a while as people had said it was a fun little story in a slightly bizarre setting, and I’m a fan of strange and obscure Japanese games. However, when it came out I had lots of other games to play and no …

Hethersett 30/60

Time for an update on my Adventures in Cycling, I think. Mainly because I completed the Hethersett 30/60 (er, the 30 rather than the 60) at the weekend. Firstly, my stats. I’m not doing as well as last year. My Enormous Geek Cycling Spreadsheet of Awesome Numbers tracks my miles and cross-checks it against how I was doing at this time last year, and the sums say that at the moment, I’m 51 miles down. Thankfully, that’s redeemable and with …

Yakuza 3 (PS3)

Forgive me if I was wrong, but I was expecting Yakuza 3 to be a violent look at the Japanese mafia families, and missions would be lots of punching, fighting, and so on. Perhaps with some nasty plot twists involving betrayal and murder. And blood. In fact, the stories of the first two games (which I haven’t played, but are included in video form in this game) would imply that I would be correct to assume Yakuza 3 would be …

Fillum review: Demon Seed (1977)

These old films about computers (see also WarGames) are amazing. They never manage to get computers right, do they? They just assume that computers in the future will get bigger, have more flashing lights, still be using floppy disks, and yet will have amazing artificial intellegence. Presumably squeezed into 16K of RAM. Demon Seed is about one of these computers. One with its own brain, and tasked with things such as finding places to drill for oil, predicting the stock …

Kororinpa (Wii)

It’s Super Monkey Ball, only more tilty! Sort of. It’s technically easier than Super Monkey Ball as there isn’t really a time limit. You do have to collect crystals, however, but if you die then any already collected are kept, making the next attempt a bit easier. What I mean by “more tilty” is, well, exactly that. In The Game With Monkeys In, you only tilt the controller a small way in any direction, and there’s a limit to how …

Pokémon Sapphire

Hurrah for games for children! Except Pokémon is a game for MEN. Obviously. Or something. Just like all the other Pokeymang games, Sapphire starts with you meeting a tree-named Professor (Birch, in this case), the Professor’s kid, and your rival (May, in this game), and your own My First Pokémon (I picked a Torchic). And off I went, into the Magical World of Pokémon(TM). Walked through some grass, and got to the first Gym, to find my dad. Couldn’t fight …


And I didn’t even know you could complete it! It turns out there are only 20 levels in the main game, and once you finish them, you win. There then follows a slightly disturbing end of game sequence, involving love, death, children, animals, and the dark decent into overpowering insanity. No, really. It’s like, deep, man.