deKay's Lofi Gaming

Shadow Complex (360)

Two of my most favourite games serieseses ever: Castlevania and Metroid. Why do I mention them? Because Shadow Complex is just like them! OK, so it’s more modern day, and there are no aliens or vampires (yet, at least), but it’s the same mazey, upgradey, shooty platformy aceness! Hurrah!!

Assorted Xbox 360 Demos (360)

Well, I say “assorted”, but in fact there were only two: StrangleholdIt’s John Woo, in game form! It’s a stylish third-person shooter, with now-clichéd bullet-time (or rather, “Tequila Time”. Cue “Tequila, it makes me happy” and “Stop! Tequila Time!” jokes, which I’ll refrain from. It looks nice, has some clever bits (like the multi-way showdowns where you must dodge bullets with one stick, and aim your guns with the other), and is full of impressive Woo stunt direction, but I …

Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin (DS): COMPLETED!

TA-DAAAH! Completed! I gave up on the Nest of Evil thing, and went back to the game proper. Decided it was time to actually learn to use the Vampire Killer, so set about killing Richiter Belmont. Yes, really. Well, a “memory” of him anyway. Bizarrely, the weapon I killed him with, was the Cream Pie. It dealt a fair amount of damage, and could be thrown at such an angle so as to be just out of reach of his …

Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin (DS)

I will start by pointing out my “stats” at the end of today’s play: 6-ish hours in, Level 30-ish ranked, and (wait for it…) 455% explored. Why bother with a percentage if you’re going to go over 100%? Eh? Anyway. I finished my fourth painting, and then explored more of the castle. This involved back-tracking into other paintings for power-ups I may have missed (like the Toad Morph one), and then I made it up into the Clock Tower. Every …

Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin (DS)

Sand painting boss found! It was some woman who, who had a strange attack – she throws hearts at you, and if you’re Jonathan, and they hit you, then she takes control of you and you control Charlotte. Jonathan then attacks you. Erk. Luckily, I killed her without too many attempts, and then it was back to the Castle to rest up, and move onwards (and upwards). I found the next painting – Nations of Fools – which was set …

Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi (DS)

Completed another level (the game is a bit repetitive, so I don’t want to play it for too long in one sitting) today – Horror World. Well, actually, it was just set in Slovakia in 1994. But anyway. The boss at the end was a bit bizarre, as it was three vampire things that jumped around, and you had to kill them by making Kaz drop his pizza by slapping him about. The pizza was garlic, you see. Obviously.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (360)

Hopped back into this for a short while, to kill some more vampire hunters in Skingrad. That was an easy enough task, but the guards caught me and I had to pay a fine for murdering them. Bah. So the Count was pleased with my killing spree, and gave me some information for Trevan back at the Mages Guild. I passed on what he told me, and Traven said he’d have to consult with the Council over what course of …

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (360)

I haven’t played this in a while, but, again, with HDTV it’s come out of the cupboard for some more play. And it looks amazing. But enough of that. Decided to pursue the Mages Guild questline. This meant finding a cave on the east of the map, where some necromancers have been up to naughtiness, and then locating a mage spy inside. I was helped for all of five seconds by a battlemage, who instantly got killed by a trap. …

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (360)

After a week absent from Cyrodill, I thought I should pop back and get on with the main quest. Firstly, I had to go and see Jauffre and Martin again, and then they set me up with a few separate quests. Firstly, I had to go to the north-east of the map, near the Temple of the Ancestor Moths, and find a daedric shrine. I then had to kill some Will o’the Wisps, to get Glow Dust, and then at …

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (360)

Played “properly” today, rather than kill everyone in sight. I loaded a pre-slaughter save, you see. So, first task was to visit the woman in the Mystic Archives again, and she told me to come back later. I decided to wait around, and Amusei found me and told me I needed to see the Grey Fox in Cheydenhal. Off I went, and started the next Thieves Guild quest – to find the boots of Springheel Jak. Except he’s dead, and …

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (360)

Since I was in Anvil anyway, and Crowhaven was just a short walk away, I decided to follow up the Grey Prince’s quest, and find out about his parents. Worked my way through the dungeon of Crowhaven, and killed Lord Lovidicus. Found his diary, and then worked my way out. I took a wrong turn on the way to the exit, and found myself being attacked by a Vampire Knight. Erk! I’d heard that catching Vampirism was a Bad Thing, …

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (360)

After today’s playing, I’m very nearly 24 hours into Oblivion. And, I’m still nowhere near properly beginning the game, let alone completing it! All of today’s action took place in Bruma. I’ve talked to just about everyone, and bumped up my Speechcraft skills by persuding them all. I’ve opened up (and/or furthered) loads of quests, including one where I now need to get myself arrested, another involving a vampire hunter, and all sorts. In the Mage’s Guild, I was asked …

Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow

Well, the vampire thing was killed first go this time. Why didn’t any tell me I had potions to heal myself, eh? Tch. He gave up a soul that allowed me to double-jump, meaning I can now reach areas I couldn’t before. Went off exploring then, mainly through the village and into the Demon Guest House area, finding new areas to open up. There’s a large ballroom bit, and after that I found Dario – the other Dark Lord Candidate. …

Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow

Just a brief play before bed. I’ve wandered past the Garden now, and into another part of the castle. There I found Dmitri, or whatever his name is, fighting some thing that threw balls at him. He killed it, and there was some conversation regarding Dmitri’s ability to copy magic attacks. Then I had to fight him. He started by throwing balls at me, but after I’d hit him once with my thrown-through-an-arc axe move, he then did that to …