deKay's Lofi Gaming

Assorted Xbox 360 Demos (360)

Caught up a bit tonight with some of the recent demos on the 360’s mrketplace. Frogger 2No. No no no. It’s like a horrible cute reimagining of Frogger, designed by a three year old. It’s horrible. And why on earth are there rotate button? And a bloody UFO?! And! The most irritating music and sound effect combo ever (especially when collecting lots of coins in one go – yes coins: why the hell does a frog need coins?). It’s all …

Nodame Cantabile (DS)

So I’ve had this for ages, but because we were redoing our lounge and ditching old bookcases and stuff, it got packed in a box soon after arriving. It was unpacked a few weeks ago, and I remembered it today. So I thought I’d give it a quick go. Two hours later, I had to put it down. Yes, it is very good. If you haven’t heard of it (and that’s pretty likely – I hadn’t and only bought it …

Super Paper Mario (Wii)

Hmm. I’m a little worried about spoilers now. I realise my last post on this did contain some minor spoilers (mainly only spoiling dialogue rather than plot), so I’ll keep this brief. I’ve made it all the way up to Chapter 6-2 now. Chapter 4 was set in space (and had a bit of a false start – play it and you’ll understand) and had some side scrolling shooting sections. It was a bit of a dip after the genius …

Lostmagic (DS)

Hmm. I’m not really sure if I’m enjoying this or not. The premise is great – draw shapes to cast spells – but the fights are too difficult as a result. You’re under two much pressure to draw quickly and accurately, and your mana bar (which you use for spells) drains much too fast. Even the faux-RTS element with controllable monsters that you’ve captured is clumsy and hit-and-miss. There’s just too much to keep an eye on at once. Anyway. …

The Castlevania Adventure (GB)

What? In? Hell? This has to be the slowest, hardest, most irritating game ever made. Ever. Your character (Simon? It doesn’t tell you) moves as a snails pace. You have no subweapons. You can’t jump very far (and the game is full of pixel-perfect jumps), you only have three lives, often when you die you go back miles, and the whole game jerks and judders all over the place. Ace! So I spent AGES trying to get past the Stepping …

Viewtiful Joe 2

Reel 6 – Do Androids Dream of Romantic Scene? I don’t care, but what I do care about is the sodding SuckySuck(TM) bit that is the entire reel. Yes. Why do games designers think that recycling all of the game’s bosses and throwing them at you one after another is a good idea? There is some stupid bit of story behind it this time, with “Miss Bloody Rachel” (no, that is her name) the android morphing into copies of all …

Sonic Heroes

I am going to smash something very soon. I know it. The thing is, it should be easy. All Sonic games are easy. It’s the law. But this one has so many problems that cause you to die through no fault of your own, that it should be shot. I spent an hour playing the Bullet Station level. Not because I was crap – far from it. EVERY death was unavoidable – I fell through solid floor, jumped through a …