deKay's Lofi Gaming

Fillum review: Demon Seed (1977)

These old films about computers (see also WarGames) are amazing. They never manage to get computers right, do they? They just assume that computers in the future will get bigger, have more flashing lights, still be using floppy disks, and yet will have amazing artificial intellegence. Presumably squeezed into 16K of RAM. Demon Seed is about one of these computers. One with its own brain, and tasked with things such as finding places to drill for oil, predicting the stock …

Fillum review: The Princess Bride (1987)

I have a few films to get through, so nothing in depth on these, sorry! The Princess Bride is a film of the same genre, as well as style and era, as such things as Willow, The Neverending Story and Time Bandits. Basic plot: man and woman fall in love, man goes off to find his fortune, doesn’t return, girl is taken as bride for local prince, gang kidnaps girl, girl rescued by mysterious stranger, blah blah. The plot doesn’t …

Psychonauts (Xbox)

So this was a surprise. In several ways. Firstly, I’m amazed my wife managed to get hold of a copy of this for me for Christmas. Then there’s the fact she thought to buy it in the first place (as it’s been on my Amazon wishlist for years). Then, and most amazingly, there’s the number of things that made me think about Super Mario Galaxy. It doesn’t lessen Mario, it just made me re-evaluate some of the “new-ness” of it. …

Sonic the Hedgehog (360): COMPLETED!

And not just completed – completed without losing a life! I didn’t really even have to try that hard, actually, although I did nearly plunge to my doom on Scrap Brain Zone 1. Which would have been a bit of a pain. And I almost drowned twice on Scrap Brain Zone 3. But I did it, which is all that’s important! Then I went and started again, to try for the Win In 40 Minutes achievement and the Fast Marble …

Maniac Mansion (NES)

Isn’t the NES great? Well, aside from mine which keeps resetting, anyway. Thank the baby Jesus for my NeoFami, eh? Anyway. This is another point-and-click adventure that I never completed “back in the day”. I thought I’d see how I fared with Man Brains. Interesting Trivia about Maniac Mansion: I first played the game in Germany, on my German exchange partner’s C64. He had it on disk, and it took fourtyeightyteen weeks to load. The best bit, was it was …

Eets: Chowdown (360)

Hmm. I didn’t like all the in-the-dark stuff of some of the levels today. I know it just adds another element to the puzzles, but it made my brane hurt. Anyway, I’m about a third of the way through the penultimate zone (or world, or planet, or whatever) now, and things are getting really brain-warpy now, with gravity flippers and levitation thingies. I have managed the “10 levels with two items remaining” achievement though, which is ace. And I’m 99th …

Eets: Chowdown (360)

I’ve now finished all of the second zone, and a few on the third. It’s getting quite hard now, but I seem to be finding plenty of “wrong” ways of completing levels – mainly using fewer items than necessary. One level was completed with a single item instead of the four provided, and the time it took was under three seconds, compared to the 30 that par time was set at. Ace! I then had another go at the brain-hurty …

Guitar Hero II (360)

Finished up the rest of the “missed” tracks from Medium today, and then started on Easy. Well, actually, I tried one on Hard and it made me cry, so I gave up on that mode. Managed to get the 500 note streak achievement for perfecting three songs in a row, and then did one song “lefty flip”, which was bloody difficult, even on Easy – my brain just refused to accept the new orientation of notes.

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (360)

Haven’t played this in a few days, as Rocket Slime had taken over pretty much all of my gaming time this week. But, since I completed that earlier, I went back to SOTN. It suddenly got hard. I’ve found loads of baddies who are difficult to kill and do stacks of damage. I’ve been trying to work my way back to the Entrance, or at least, where the entrance was in the right-way-up castle, and it’s slow going. My brain …

Viva Pinata: Giving children nightmares

If you’ve been reading my gaming diary, you’ll know I got a copy of Viva Pinata for the Xbox 360 this week. It’s the same sort of game as Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon, and is written by Rare. It’s also very cute. There’s a TV cartoon series to match too, so it’s clearly mainly aimed at kids. Which is why I bought it, obviously, since I am a child. Or not. Anyway. It’s very child-friendly for the most part. …

Tetris DS (DS)

Played a couple of games of Push Mode online against someone called “Ms Candy” this evening. I won both times, but it seemed like I was going to lose each one, until I managed a Tetris and she (I assume it’s a she) died almost instantly. Tch, eh? Had a quick go (offline) at Touch Puzzle Mode, and completed the first 10 or so puzzles, and then did the Yoshi’s Cookie themed Puzzle Mode, but only managed the first three …

Yoshi’s Universal Gravitation

Ludicrous name aside, this is actually a pretty good platformer. See – it is possible to make decent 2D platformers in this day and age. It’s a shame the tilt sensor is either “on” or “off”, however – there’s no analogueness to it. And my brain doesn’t work backwards well enough to work out I need to tilt left to move everything right, and vice versa. But anyway. Completed all of the first two “worlds”, which involved turning into a …

Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude

Managed to win over Harriet first, who is very scary indeed. Not least that she’s possessed by some kind of demon. Nor that she only wants me if I dress up as a tree. Anyway, I figured out an easy way to win the hand-slappy game, and so got the Token of Affection from her a little later. Next, it was on to Beatrice, the professor in the lab. This was even more wrong, as it involved swapping my brain …

Chokkan Hitofude

Due to PC transplantation duties, I didn’t play this for long. It certainly seems a bit bizarre, and I’m not sure it’s a puzzle game that my brain can cope with. Nevertheless, I managed a score of over 100,000 on one of the game modes. The one that says “0-100” on it at the beginning. Don’t look at me like you don’t know.