It’s all gone

The idea that we were a forward thinking, inclusive and friendly country. The hope our children will live in a safe, prosperous and accepting part of a larger community. The choice to live, work and travel without worry or restriction across Europe. The help to assist those who need it, whether because of war, disability, health or poverty. The belief that most others felt the same. All gone.

What You Missed: May 2016

Another month passes. It’s nearly summer now and soon the sticky-leg-laptopping season will begin. Shorts are both a blessing and a curse when the weather heats up. What have you missed in May? Well, aside from my birthday (WHERE ARE MY PRESE–oh yeah, I told you all not to bother. In hindsight, that was a mistake) of course. I wrote lots more stuff about games (including more Alphabests), how to spot if your Twitter followers are sexbots, I did someone’s …