deKay's Lofi Gaming

Some Brain Games (DS)

Maths Training and More Brain Training both arrived today, so I gave them both a go. The former seems a bit shallow. Yeah, I know they’re not supposed to be game-games, but still – there’s only really variations on simple sums. Surely they could have been more creative, and it remain maths-based? The latter is much better. Aside from the return of the Sudoku puzzles, it’s all new since the first Brain Training game. There’s a rock-paper-scissors game, a “count …

Top 10 Obscure Games

I’ve often said that I love buying games that are bizarre and obscure. Usually, they’re crap – which often explains why they’re pretty obscure. Sometimes, though, they’re great. By obscure I mean they’re pretty much unheard of to the general gaming public. This is either because they’re for a machine never released in whatever region of the world they’re in, or the game bombed so nobody bought it (these games aren’t always bad, surprisingly), or even just that nobody forgot …

The games of 2008

For four years now, I’ve kept a diary detailing the games I play. Part of the reason was to see how many games I buy (and to reduce this number), and how many I complete (and to increase this number). 2008 saw a drop in completed games – 33 compared to 61 in 2007. I don’t think this is bad, when you look at the games I’ve been completing. In 2007, there were quite a few shorter games, including 5 …

Big Brain Academy (DS)

Much of my play today involved bumping up my Gold Medal count. And then, I found that there was actually a Platinum medal too, since I won one. Gah! So even if I’ve ACEBESTed them all and got gold, that’s not the best there is? I’m struggling on the Memory games. I’m just not capable of remembering things for more than five milliseconds. Also did the Test again, and got another 1200-odd score, and I now have a B- grade. …

Big Brain Academy (DS)

Yet another new DS game, look! This one is similar to Brain Age, in that it’s more of a brain-expanding puzzle game than a real actual videogame. It differs in that you don’t really need to play each day, there’s more variety in the type of games to play, and each game has three different difficulty levels to play at. Also, it doesn’t track your progress (although you do get a running total of your scores, of sorts, and a …

Brain Age (DS)

Yet another 20! I am clearly teh win at Brain Age. I didn’t, however, get on the top-3 charts for any of the training games though, which is the first time in a couple of weeks that has (or rather, hasn’t) happened. But I’m still BEST!

Brain Age (DS)

Now I’m completely confused as to how your age is worked out. I play the same three games each day when it comes to the calculation, and today I beat my personal best in both Connect Maze and Number Cruncher (I beat my previous best Connect Maze score by a good 23 seconds too – from 59 to 36), and came second on the leaderboard for Calculations x20 with 24 seconds (first place being 22). I didn’t make a single …

Brain Age (DS)

Nothing new unlocked today, which is a little disappointing as I’ve been playing for about two weeks now and there’s still three “games” locked on the select screen. Maybe I’m not doing well enough? Today’s Brain Age was 23. Better than yesterday’s 25, but still not as good as 20, eh? Did a couple of sudoku puzzles as well today. I seemed to complete one of them really quickly, but in fact it took just over 13 minutes – my …

Brain Age (DS)

Had some real problems with the games today. I couldn’t really concentrate and so my times and scores were pretty much all down a bit on yesterday. Luckily, my Brain Age tests were all pretty good, and I ended up with an age of 27! I’m a bit concerned about the Reading Aloud test though. I have to force myself to read more slowly, as the game keeps saying I’m reading too fast for it to record the speed, but …

Brain Age (DS)

Still no new games today, and generally, I didn’t do so great on those already there. I have been playing for 7 days now, though, so could design my own stamp for the calendar. I made it say “ACE”. I’m great, me. Although my age for today was 35. RUBBISH. The game is clearly broken.

Brain Age (DS)

No new “events” today, and in the existing ones I did worse in most, but slightly better in the “House Party” and “Low to High” games. Thankfully, then, I managed to get a Brain Age of 30 in the final test – that’s better than previously, and not far off what it really should be! I then did a couple of sudoku puzzles as a sort of mental “warm down”. Or something.

Freshly-Picked Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland (DS)

I had some time before bed, and my DS was out anyway (for the brain games), and so I thought I’d have a quick go. So I’ve done the first dungeon, along with a bodyguard I had to pay (twice!) which was pretty easy. I’m not sure I like the combat (run into baddies, hammer the screen), but the dungeon puzzles – and sound effects – are suitably Zelda-esque. Which is good! The boss was pretty good, if a little …

Metroid Zero Mission (Switch): COMPLETED!

An actual Metroid Metroidvania game! Released on the Switch Game Boy Advance Online Service Thing presumably to tie in with the re-announcement (and gameplay footage) of the upcoming Metroid Prime 4, I thought, why the hell not eh? It’s good. Oh so good. Yes, I’ve played it before, but almost 20 years ago so I remembered very little of it. In fact, I’d even forgotten about the whole “zero suit” bit where Samus loses her armour and you have to …

A Monster’s Expedition (Through Puzzling Expeditions) (Steam Deck): COMPLETED!

I maintain that I am not really a fan of sokoban type puzzle games, and yet somehow, I seem to enjoy them. Perhaps it’s just when there are crate-pushing puzzles in otherwise crate-push-free games that I don’t like? In any case, A Monster’s Expedition was one of the ones I did enjoy. You are a monster, who navigates islands which seem to make up a sort of Museum of Humans, as there are many artefacts (sometimes amusingly mislabelled as to …