deKay's Lofi Gaming

Strider (GBA)

What went wrong here? Although I’ve never really liked Strider all that much, it isn’t a bad game. It’s also quite different to most platformers, as you can climb walls, hang from platforms, and that sort of thing. Only, you can’t. The NES version of Strider, it seems, does away with everything that is Strider and removes it. So now, it’s just a generic crap platformer. Rubbish.

104 Game Challenge

Just like last year, this year I took part in the RetroCollect 52 Game Challenge. The idea was to complete, uh, 52 games in a single year. Back in June, I successfully became the first person taking part to hit the 52 game barrier. But I wasn’t going to stop there. With the challenge over before the year was half done, I aimed for 104 games. The 104 Game Challenge, if you will. For the less mathematical of my readers, …

Completed 2016

Fallout 4 (PS4 15/01/2016) Batman Returns (Lynx 24/01/2016) Grim Fandango Remastered (PS4/Vita 30/01/2016) Thomas Was Alone: Benjamin’s Flight (Vita 30/01/2016) Hatoful Boyfriend (Vita 31/01/2016) Nova-111 (PS4 15/02/2016) Bayonetta (Wii U 15/02/2016) Sonic the Hedgehog (MS 28/02/2016) Street Fighter Alpha (GBC 28/02/2016) Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush (Wii U 05/03/2016) Disney Infinity 3.0 (PS4 06/03/2016) ToeJam and Earl (MD 10/03/2016) Midnight Resistance (MD 12/03/2016) Mega-lo-Mania (MD 12/03/2016) Castle of Illusion (MS 12/03/2016) Midnight Resistance (Spec 15/03/2016) Land of Illusion (MS 16/03/2016) …

Half-Life 2: Episode Two (360): COMPLETED!

Whatwhatwhat? It’s less than five hours long? Those people telling me it’s 8 or 9 hours are bloody liars. Mind you, they also said Episode One was 5 hours and I did it in three and a half. Anyway. But what an amazing five hours it was. Better in every way than Episode One, improving on even Half Life 2 itself – partly graphically, but mainly because of the number of quality, epic set pieces. The ambush in the village, …

Half-Life 2: Episode Two (360)

So I came out of the bit I was in, found a car (which required completion of a see-saw puzzle – a HUGE see-saw puzzle), and then Alyx and I set off for The White Forest again, without the Vortigaunt. I was worried the car bit was going to be like the car bit from Half Life 2, but thankfully was far less annoying. Partly because I can run zombies down in it. Ace! Then I found an old building …

Half-Life 2: Episode One (360)

Erm, that was very quick. I know the game is meant to be short, but I’d heard around 5-6 hours. Imagine my surprise, then, when I killed the game’s one and only Strider and then the game finished, just three and a half hours in. So yes, it was good, but as well as it’s length it didn’t do anything new. The whole episode was made up of bits from Half-Life 2, only in a different order. Time for another …

Half-Life 2 (360): COMPLETED!

Well, I wasn’t expecting to complete it tonight, but the last two chapters were very short and so I did. Erm, hurrah! I won’t spoil it for anyone else who hasn’t played it yet, but the last few hours were mostly filled with huge battles with striders and gunships, and hordes of baddies. Luckily, you’re accompanied by a team of other people for much of it, until you reach the Citadel, anyway. The end boss was a bit easy, although …