deKay's Lofi Gaming

Scribblenauts Unlimited (Wii U): COMPLETED!

I’ve been waiting for ages for this. 15 months, in fact. After being delayed from the Wii U launch to early 2013, it was then pulled hours after going on sale in the UK for reasons that have never been officially announced. Some people managed to get it in that time, but the rest of us had to wait. And wait. Heck, the follow-up is out soon, it’s been that long. But finally, it turned up. And, like with Rayman …

Bastion (360)

After finishing Rayman, I found myself without a “currently playing” console game. Sure, I have a few that I’ve finished but not 100%ed, that I could have returned to (like Lego Harry Potter 2, Skylanders, or more Rayman), and yeah, I’ve Luigi’s Mansion on the go for “on the go”, and sure, I have The Wonderful 101 sat there unplayed… but I thought I’d play Bastion. I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect. I’d been told it was good, and …

Things I’ve been playing recently

Roundup time! Need For Speed: Most Wanted U (Wii U) At less than £15, I couldn’t resist this. The best version of essentially the sequel to one of the best driving games ever (Burnout Paradise)? Sold! And, I’ve not been disappointed. Sure, it’s more realistic with the real cars and less arcadey handling, and yeah, the billboards and barriers you have to smash through aren’t all bright red and yellow, and OK, so there are police cars out to spoil …

Stuff I’ve been playing recently

It’s another lazy roundup! Yay! Nintendo Land (Wii U) I’ve completed the Pikmin Adventure game, which took a couple of hours (and unlocked some more, harder levels). It’s really very good, and has me itching for Pikmin 3. I also played Octopus Dance some more, but no matter how well I do, a controller calibration or disconnection problem happens and I lose. Bah. Mighty Switch Force HD (Wii U) Although the level called “Bonus 5” is seemingly the same as …

3DS Game Need List

It’s been a while since I posted up a list of games I need. Sorry, NEED. Some would say there aren’t many 3DS games out recently or in the next 12 months, which, if true, makes me wonder which bit of me made all these up: Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Marvel Pinball Heroes of Ruin Professor Layton & the Mask of Miracle New Super Mario Bros 2 Luigi’s Mansion 2 Harvest Moon Fire Emblem Rayman Origins Epic Mickey Paper Mario Layton …

Too many games!

It’s that time of year again. Well, actually, it’s not, which is the problem. Traditionally, there’s slim pickings for new games around this time of year. The busiest times for releasing new titles (especially big titles) is normally around Christmas and often over Easter too, but the July-October period is like release death in the UK. Except this year. As well having Bioshock released this week already, there’s fahsands more out between now and the end of November. Before the …

Assorted Games (Wii)

I went and picked up my Wii this morning, and so much of the day has been spent playing on it. The verdict? It’s ACES. Firstly, I played Wii Sports and had a go with the baseball, tennis and boxing games. They’re all pretty good, but boxing is sheer genius. You use the remote and the nunchuk as boxing gloves and actually punch and block with them. Amazing. Had a few goes on the bowling game then, and lost to …