deKay's Lofi Gaming

2007: A Year in Gaming – Part 3

September The beginning of The Big Game Crunch of 2007.¬¨‚Ć Basically, every game in the world arrived in the post and I had to play them all. Most played in September (once RE4 was out of the way) was probably Super Paper Mario.¬¨‚Ć A fantastic game, by all accounts, and coupled with RE4, Mercury Meltdown Revolution and MySims proved that the Wii certainly was a fantastic console. Sonic the Hedgehog made himself known this month too, with Sonic 2 on …

Half-Life 2 (360)

Now, you see, I bought The Orange Box for Portal. And nothing else. Although I did think that perhaps I’d like Team Fortress 2 a bit, as although not my usual sort of game, the unseriousness of it appealed. And so It Was Done, and The Game of Orange was Purchased, and Lo, Portal was Divine and Team Fortress 2 was Lovely. There was much rejoicing. And today, I was going to play TF2 a bit more, for I thought, …

Canis Canem Edit (PS2)

With the nerds totally won over (again), we set about taking out the jocks. This mainly involved humiliating them to varying degrees (taking pictures of a cheerleader in the shower, gluing the american footballers to a bench, etc.) and eventually I had to take out the entire team on the field. Which was alarmingly easy. And then Chapter 5! And it’s all gone wrong. All the gangs hate me (again), and I had to do something to help each one. …

The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles (360)

You knows it! I got it working! Actually, I didn’t do anything – I just gave it one last shot, and lo, when I booted the game it told me there was an update for it. An update that didn’t exist an hour previously. Bizarre. But none of that matters now, as I’ve made it into the Shivering Isles! First of all, there was a chat with a creepy butler type bloke who asked if I wanted to enter the …

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (360)

I bought the new expansion for Oblivion the other day: The Shivering Isles. I decided today to make a start on it. So I loaded it up, and… …nothing. At all. Well, aside from a message on the title screen saying “Loading Addtional Content”. I was expecting a message or something when I started playing to say that the portal was open. But no. So I went to Anvil, where I thought the island might be. It wasn’t, but I …

Prey (360)

It was cheap (from PlayAsia), so I bought it. I do like it, as it’s a bit different to other FPS games, due mainly to the portals and gravity-altering thingies. I’m up to Chapter 7 or so now. I haven’t had an especially difficult time yet, not least because when you die, you don’t actually die – you have this minigame where you shoot down bat things to get health back. As you do. I just wish Tommy (the hero) …

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (360): COMPLETED!

NINETY-ONE HOURS of gaming on Oblivion, and I’ve finally completed it. The last few play sessions have been a concerted effort to stay on-track and “do” the main quest, and it culminated this afternoon with me gaining the title Champion of Cyrodiil. I’m Winner! I won’t spoil everything, but needless to say it was a pretty long slog. My first task today was to obtain part of Tiber Septim’s armour, stained with his blood. It was in a dungeon, and …

Prey (Demo) (360)

Hmm. I really didn’t think I was going to like this. It was just going to be “another FPS”, and I’ve had enough of them. I knew there were “gimmicks”, like the walking on walls and portals and stuff, but that’s all I thought there was over any other FPS. I was a bit wrong. The story is great, and unexpected, and the graphics are lovely. The wall (and ceiling) walking is cleverly used, and the portals confuse and impress, …

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (GC)

You know, I’m just not enjoying this as much as Sands of Time. I don’t know why. It isn’t anything specific, it’s just that there’s a load of small niggles and issues I’m having with it which together just makes it feel, well, wrong. Managed to get past the room I kept falling down holes on last time I played, only to run into the Dahaka, and then run from him. This took multiple attempts, as it’s like a speed …

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (GC)

This is one of those games that’s kind of difficult to describe where I’ve got to in it, especially since there’s some backtracking (albeit in different time zones). Got past the bit I was stuck in before, and moved on through more traps and stuff to a circular area where the almost nude woman in leather was fighting a remarkably similar looking almost nude woman in a red almost-dress. I’m guessing at this point that the woman in leather is …

Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

I was going to go up the mountain and get to the third pendant, but as is often the way with Zelda games, I went exploring instead. It is just as well I did too, as for my troubles I found two pieces of heart, stacks of rupees, the Ice Staff, Zora’s Flippers, and another bottle. Excellent. Then I finally decided to head up the mountain, and helped an old man on the way. He have me a mirror, and …