deKay's Lofi Gaming

2007: A Year in Gaming – Part 1

So, the end of the year is nigh, and I thought I’d round up this year’s games. That is, the games I’ve played this year, rather than just those that have come out this year, although in most cases it’s the same thing. January The year started as 2006 ended – with Castlevania. Specifically, Circle of the Moon and Harmony of Dissonance on the GBA, supplemented by Super Castlevania IV for the Wii’s Virtual Console. There was also a lot …

Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree (Wii)

I saw this for cheap in Asda this evening, and as I was going to buy it at some point anyway, I picked it up. It’s the same sort of thing as the DS version I played a fair bit of last year, only with mostly different activities and some over-the-internet stats comparison with other people in your Wii contacts list. First off, I went straight into a test. I’m really not good at the memorise stuff. Firstly, I can’t …

RIP James Langmead

James Langmead (or Jim, jimlang, or jil depending on how you knew him) was a regular poster on the newsgroup comp.sys.sinclair, World of Spectrum, assorted other retro gaming forums, and chatter on IRC Spectrum channels. He also set up and maintained Speccy Spoilers (currently down), a site which archived Spectrum game endings for people too crap to complete the games themselves. Or something. I’ve known him, as much as you know anyone online, for almost 10 years, mainly through comp.sys.sinclair …

Hotel Dusk: Room 215 (DS)

Yes, yes yes. I’ve started yet another game even though I still haven’t completed Contact and Excite Truck and ten billion other games. Hotel Dusk is AMAZING. It’s a book that you play. A detective mystery book with plot twists and strange characters and more coincidences than is physically possible to cram into one small place. Everyone staying in the hotel seems to be linked to each other in several different ways. It’s very odd indeed, but also totally compelling. …

Kirby Squeak Squad (DS)

Sssh! Don’t tell anyone, but I’ve started a new game even though I haven’t finished Excite Truck, Contact or Military Madness yet! It’s a secret to everybody! It’s a proper Kirby game this time around. Not that Canvas Curse thing, which was good but not “right”. This, however, is right in everything. It differs from other Kirby games in two main ways: firstly, you can store up to five power-ups for later use (although the treasure you need to collect …

Castlevania: Circle of the Moon (GBA)

Since I’m limited to handheld consoles at the moment (I’m at relatives for Christmas), I’m using this opportunity to actually start some games I’ve had for a while but not touched yet. See also Contact on the DS from earlier today. Anyway. Since I have all three GBA Castlevania games, this is the one to start with. When it came out, people complained it was virtually impossible to play on the non-lit-screen original GBA. No such problems with the super-bright …

The art of ignoring video games

If you know me, or if you read this blog, or monitor my Usenet and forum posts, then you’ll know I buy a lot of games. Like, loads. I play a lot too: most days I put in an hour or so, longer at the weekend. This may appear to be a very long time to non-gamers, but you have to consider how much time I don’t spend watching TV, which is far more passive and couch potatoey. One look …

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (360)

Extensive play today took me up to over 51 hours gametime. That’s like, forever. Or something. I’m certainly not going to explain everything I’ve done today, but here’s a bit of a synopsis: I summoned my skeleton, then killed it, over and over to get souls, with which I enchanted a few more things, making a full 22% shield at all times. Then set off to get a staff from some glade, only to be attacked. Got the staff, made …

Assorted 32X Games

Set my new Megadrive 32X up for the first time today, so I could finally get round to playing the 32X games I’ve had on my shelf for more than 5 years. First up was Virtua Racing. It’s, er, not as good as I expected. Part of the problem was with the screen shaking due to something wonky in the 32X itself, but is isn’t as good as the standard Megadrive version. Then it was onto Doom. More screen shaking, …

GTA: San Andreas

MOST ANNOYING BIT EVAAR. It seems there’s a flying school mission at the airstrip I’ve just bought, so I went and finished that. It took AGES as it’s too hard. The plane controls are too twitchy, and when flying the helicopter the camera swings round to suit itself but not you, meaning you can’t see where you’re going, or what you’re shooting at. Stupid. Anyway, that done, it was off to Las Venturas properly, to do some more missions for …