Stuff I’ve been playing recently

Fable III (360) It seems the best way to make money is to buy all the houses and shops, then just leave the Xbox on all day. So I did that. Now I have over 8 million gold, can pay off all my debts, and progress with the story. In doing so, I’ve revisited Aurora, pilfered a diamond from a cave, bought more shops and houses, and am now on the trail of a white Balverine in Silverpines. I also …

Fable III (360)

I’m now King. That came about far quicker than I expected it to. I’ve not done that many side quests though, which might be why. I don’t know how far from complete this means I now am, but I’m guessing I’m half way there, perhaps? First things to do as King: decide whether to execute my brother or not (I didn’t), then decide if I’m going to be an evil-for-their-own-good ruler or a loved-but-may-end-up-getting-everyone-killed ruler. This was mainly determined by …

Fable III (360)

However ill-advised it was to buy this, it was a(nother) Morrisons bargain and, well, how bad could it be? It’s actually quite good so far. I’ve not played Fable II, so some of the initial story of this is lost on me. In addition, I have played the original Fable, and this doesn’t really play much like it. At least, it doesn’t seem to. It has been a while though. So far, I’ve recovered my father’s music box (uh, right), …

Crysis 2 (360): COMPLETED!

You know how I said it was a bit meh to start with? Well, it got a lot better and I was really getting into it. And then the final level happened. What follows is spoilers, so you may wish to look away. The last section of the game takes place in Central Park. Which has mostly been raised into the sky. As you walk (or run) through it, bits crumble away so paths are cut off and stuff. Except …

Crysis 2 (360)

I decided to plod on with this some more, mainly because it wasn’t terrible and I’ve not got anything else on the go at the moment. I’m glad I did. Despite not really changing the formula all that much (aside from there being fewer soldiers to shoot and more aliens), somehow Crysis 2 has gone from mediocre to pretty actually fantastic. I’m not sure why. I am now drawn into the story, and often with me a decent story is …

Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood (360)

It may be completed, but while bad people remain unfacestabbed, the assassinations must continue! I’ve spent most of my time plundering the Lairs of Romulus, and also finishing off the remaining Leonardo’s Machines bits (although one still needs to be done), as well as mopping up all the feathers, some Borgia Flags, and lots of treasures. I’ve also tried completing the Shop Quests, but I’m still a few items short. Alongside all this, I’ve also been sending my assassins off …

Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood (360): COMPLETED!

Well, I wasn’t expecting that. I mean, I was expecting to finish it, of course – but I didn’t expect to play though Sequence 5 and get to the end and have “Sequence 9 Complete” come up. Turns out I was much further through the game than I thought. Since I’ve spent about 80% of the game “off-story”, that means the main story was very, very short compared to Assassin’s Creed 2. I don’t really mind as there’s been plenty …

Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood (360)

In many ways, this is just Assassin’s Creed II. The fighting is the same. The moves, the same. The basic assassination techniques, the same. You still have towers to scale, and tombs to raid, and armour to upgrade and paintings to collect. There are still treasure chests left randomly across the map and guards on rooftops who tell you to get down. Even the doctors still go on about lead-based cures for things and how a weekly bleeding is good …

Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space: Episode 5 (360): COMPLETED

All done! I don’t know whether or not the final episode was shorter, or if the puzzles were just more obvious, but it didn’t seem to take me very long to save Hell (and by extension, the world). A very Soda Poppers (sorry, %$&* Poppers) heavy episode, but that was OK given the outcome. Is that spoilers? I might give Sam and Max a bit of a break now though, until the next series is found cheap somewhere!

Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood (360)

OK, so I didn’t get the all-singing, all-dancing Codex edition direct from the Ubishop (it was £14.99, but they cancelled my order), but I did get the standard edition for £8.28-ish, so it’s not bad. Blimey. This £18 Rule has addled my head – I used to think £30 was cheap for a game! I’ve played about the first hour or so of Brotherhood now. It carries on directly from the previous game, and there’s a quite clever sequence where …

Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space: Episode 4 (360): COMPLETED

That was ace. By far the best of the series. Unless Episode 5 beats it, of course. Loved Superball again, mainly because he’s so deadpan. The mariachis were all sorts of amaze, and the Max/Ms Bosco “relationship” was fantastic. The baby making machine, and the various possible Bosco outcomes awesome too. And, best of all, it relied upon proper, logical puzzles instead of try everything on everything puzzles. Yay!

Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space: Episode 3 (360): COMPLETED

Thankfully, this was much better than the previous episode. By several orders of magnitude. The puzzles were far better this time around, and Jurgen is amazing. He was just like you’d expect a gay emo Euro-vampire to be. I’m starting to notice, however, that every task in every game seems to be made up of three mini-tasks. I’m not the only one to notice, either – even Max makes a comment about it! Nice to see Superball back too. He …

Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space: Episode 2 (360): COMPLETED

It’s been a while, but I went back to this today. Unfortunately, I found it a bit of a slog. I know the puzzles on previous Sam & Max games have been more than a little, uh, obtuse, but I was finding this one even more illogical than before and it took ages to get through. It also wasn’t as funny as other episodes, and although I spent longer on it due to not knowing what to do, it was …

Assassin’s Creed 2 (360)

Since I was so close to getting all the achievements in the game, I went back and, er, got all the achievements. Collecting all the feathers was the real time consumer, especially since I only had 30 or so of the 100, and after that I just had to wear my prize in all the game locations (easy) and perform a few fancy fighting moves for the remaining achievements. And that’s it! I could go and get all the treasures …

DLC Quest (360): COMPLETED!

I don’t buy many XBLIGs (that’s Xbox Live Indie Games, in case you didnae know). However, this one called out to me. The main selling point? A review that stated that the entire game was DLC. “You can’t even move left, or jump, or have sound effects, until you’ve bought the DLC”. Of course, the DLC is bought using in-game money, which you collect – platform game style – to progress. There’s some swording and (with the right DLC) some …