Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7 (360): COMPLETED!

Well, that was an anticlimax. The end of game sequence was a rather rubbish level with a virtually non-existent fight with Voldemort. At least other fights in the game required you to fling things at the baddie, or do a wand duel or something – in this you just wander round as other characters doing normal Lego things, and then it flicks back to Harry and Hairless and you just hammer A or X. You don’t even have to select …

The Irregular Lazy Catch Up Post

Yep. Another one of those. You love them really. So, here are things I’ve been playing recently: Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7 (360) I’m now, I dunno, half way into the first of the two year 7 films? I have no idea. Things seem to have hit the fan though, as the beardyman has died and the moon has turned into a Lego skull and everything was on fire. Literally no idea. Skylanders (360) My daughter is able to play this really …

Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7 (360)

Lego games are awesome. All of them. Awesome. AWE. SOME. And Harry Potter is awful. All of it. AW. FUL. Who will win? Lego. Obviously. Just like the previous game. I’ve said this all before. In fact, Years 5-7 is very much the same. Sure, you get one new spell (water jet thing), and new levels, but Hogwarts is the same place and the assets are all copied across. It feels more like DLC than a new game. I suppose …

Stuff I’ve been playing recently

It’s another lazy roundup! Yay! Nintendo Land (Wii U) I’ve completed the Pikmin Adventure game, which took a couple of hours (and unlocked some more, harder levels). It’s really very good, and has me itching for Pikmin 3. I also played Octopus Dance some more, but no matter how well I do, a controller calibration or disconnection problem happens and I lose. Bah. Mighty Switch Force HD (Wii U) Although the level called “Bonus 5” is seemingly the same as …

Skylanders (360)

Progress in this is slow. As I’ve mentioned before, it’s mainly because my daughter likes to play too, which used to mean she’d swap my character every few seconds (she’d mainly play by watching me and telling me what to do), but now it’s because she struggles a bit with the controls – yes, we now play co-op. Most levels, this is fine. She sometimes goes the wrong way, or gets stuck behind something, but generally she acts as a …

Games I’ve Been Playing Recently

Yes! Another lazy round-up post 🙂 Skylanders (360) With my daughter. We’re up to world/level/mission/event/chapter 9-ish now. Whichever is the one just after the cyclopseseses. It’s a fun game, but play is disrupted when your co-pilot wants to change characters every 45 seconds. Art of Balance: Touch! (3DS) This was never really on my radar, but a demo was released last week which I really enjoyed. Then it was deal of the week on the eShop so I couldn’t resist. …

Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars (360)

Well, that took a little while, didn’t it? Thankfully, that’s mainly because I haven’t played it rather than because it’s all I’ve played. In fact, it’s only really been the concerted effort over the last week that’s done it, finally getting the last gold brick and then mopping up the remaining achievements this evening. Like all the other Lego games, it’s an OCD fest, but also like all the other Lego games, it’s great fun and (two achievements aside) never …

Stuff I’ve been playing recently

I’ve not just been completing things, you know… Johnny Kung Fu (3DS) I was really looking forward to this when it was announced. Reviews were not kind, but I thought – they’re wrong, right? They were not wrong. Sure, it’s not terrible. And, separately, each level is fine. The problem is the game is a confused mess of Game & Watch, Kung Fu Master, and Wario Ware and it doesn’t really gel properly. Oh well. Marvel Pinball 3D (3DS) It’s …

Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars (360): COMPLETED!

Of course, “completed” with Lego games means “I’ve done the story levels”. It does not mean I’ve gone through all the levels again in Free Play, nor does it mean I’ve found all the minikits, red and gold bricks, and done any secret/hidden/special levels or other stuff. Sure, I’ve done some of those things, but with a completion of just 51% and only 35/130 gold bricks still remaining I’m a way off yet… Knowing nothing about the TV series this is …

Skyrim (360): COMPLETED!

After 70-ish hours play, it was time to end the main quest. Not because I’ve had enough or run out of things to do, but just because I wanted to move on to other games for a bit and thought it best to finish off the story rather than leave it hanging. This involved some diplomacy, capturing a dragon, then being whisked off to Sovngarde (via an area full of billions of high-level draugr, and I’d stupidly forgotten to bring …

Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater HD (360): COMPLETED!

With one character, at least: all cash and goals on all levels GET! That’s not the end though – oh no. There’s never really an end to proper Tony Hawk’s games anyway, but as well as having other skaters to play as, completing the game also unlocks a new game mode: PROjectives. This is a new set of very hard objectives for each level. I’ve done all of them for The Warehouse already though 🙂 Besides doing that, I boosted …

Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater HD (360)

Let me say this: BEST. GAME. EVAAR. It’s a remix of THPS1 and THPS2, with new graphics. Which is instantly awesome. It even retains some of the music from the originals. And it only cost £8-ish. And you know I like Tony Hawk games. Oh yes. It came out last Wednesday, and I’ve played it a LOT since. It’s pretty much perfect. Some people are saying it has framerate issues (it doesn’t), it’s not big enough (it’s plenty big enough …

Skyrim (360)

I think I may have finished the Dark Brotherhood questline. In that a big event happened where the poo hits the spinning blades, and then I finished up the main contract. I got an achievement, and then was given what seems to be a generic contract, so I suspect that’s it for story. It was great though. After dealing with all that, I went and got married. Since I’d proposed* to $hlmun people, I didn’t know which I’d marry, but …

Skyrim (360)

I’m mainly doing stuff for the Dark Brotherhood at the moment. I was going to finish the Thieves Guild questline, but then realised that an item I had from that – a skeleton key – was far too awesome. It’s an unbreakable lockpick! I ain’t giving that back (which is what the final task for that particular questline seems to imply I need to do) just yet! As well as murdering seemingly random people for apparently no (or rubbish) reason, …

Skyrim (360)

Recently on Skyrim! Another dragon slain! Lexicon returned! Dravin’s Bow given back to Dravin! Dude Where’s My Car questline completed! The Mind of Pelagius III entered and finished! And more! Amazed I’ve actually finished off more quests than I started. Just about. The Pelagius III quest in particular was standout – bringing back the dodgy Sheogorath bloke from The Shivering Isles expansion from Oblivion. He was awesome. I’m level 22 now too, if you’re keeping tabs.