Civilisation Revolution Demo (360)

I was really hoping this was going to be rubbish. Because I tend to get hooked on Civ games and since I don’t play computer games any more I thought I was safe… But, as I feared, my “one quick go” lasted over an hour and I ended up running out of turns in the demo. So it has to go on my “want” list. I blame The Rev. It’s all his fault.

Battlefield: Bad Company Demo (360)

As I’ve said before, I don’t like soldier games. Medal of Honour and Call of Duty both bore me to tears. Every other soldier game I’ve played since, well, Cannon Fodder I suppose, has been “meh” to me. So imagine my surprise when I found this to be just as tedious. OK, so it’s pretty and funny and the way you can blow holes in walls is nice, but it’s the whole “being a soldier” thing I don’t like about …

Assorted Xbox 360 Demos (360)

A big pile of them had accumulated on my 360’s hard drive, so I went through and had a play of them all… Iron ManRubbish. Looks like a PS2 game when you’re up close to anything. And objects are all out of proportion – why is Iron Man almost as big as a helicopter, but ordinary doors on buildings are twice his height? And why do baddies appear out of nothingness? And Stark’s “witty” one-liners started to grate after twelve …

This Week’s Roundup (360/Wii)

Another busy week (it was my birthday!) so I’ve got a bit of catching up to do. Wii Fit (Wii)Haven’t played this much since Tuesday, but did fit in a couple of sessions in the week. Mainly just played step and ski jump, though. Link’s Crossbow Training (Wii)Excellent! I got this for my birthday, which was pretty amazing in itself since it’s impossible to buy pretty much everywhere. It’s pretty simplistic (it is basically “just” a lightgun game) but is …

Assorted PSP Demos (PSP)

Downloaded some more PSP demos today and had a play. Hurrah for free things! Hot Shots Golf 2Or Minna no Golf 2, or whatever the English name is. Lovely! Only three holes, and I had to guess the controls, but it’s cute and colourful and plays just like those other golf games that I like. You know the ones – ones that aren’t crap. Ape Escape 2Erm. Monkeys. And a terrible, awful, rubbish camera. And it uses the “analogue” nub, …

Misc PSP Demos (Demo) (PSP)

With my new-found ability to download game demos to my PSP, I put a load on to play today. Space Invaders ExtremeExcellent! It’s exactly what the title suggests – Space Invaders, only Extreme! It’s a lot like the DS Space Invaders game from a couple of years ago, but with more power-ups and a combo system. And bonus levels. Apparently there’s a DS version of this PSP title too, which is supposedly even better. LocoRocoSeveral demos, in fact. I really …

LocoRoco (Demo) (PSP)

I have the game on order, but no-one told me you could download demos for the PSP! So I did! It’s great, as I expected, and possibly the most cute thing ever created. The way your blob sings along with the music is brilliant, and even better is when you split him up into several blobs, they all sing – some singing different parts of the song! OMFG! But, uh, the game. It’s ACES! Although my sticky R button is …