deKay's Lofi Gaming

Prey (360): COMPLETED!

Well. The last few levels were somewhat short, and then they had that SuckySuck(TM) bit (where they made me fight all the previous bosses one after another), and there was a bit where I actually had to kill my girlfriend that I has spent the entire game trying to save. Yes. I had to kill her. I didn’t even want to. It was sick. Anyway. The last level was the same boss over and over again (which was just crap), …

Prey (360)

Woo! I have a spangly new HDTV, so I played through a level on this just so see the difference. And oh my – is there a difference. Everything looks a million times better, and suddenly the 360 looks like an actual “next-gen” console should. Amazing. But as for the game, well. There was more flying (rubbish) and some running around on tiny planetoids, but that was about it. Nothing particularly great. Only about four levels left now, though.

Prey (360)

More working my way through this today, but only a couple of levels. I was a bit wrong about the levels getting shorter, as I got stuck on a stupid exoskeleton-shuttle flying bit for ages as there was no clue as to what I was supposed to do, nor where I was supposed to go. Tch. Anyway, sorted it, and finished with the silly flying bits (for now, at least) and moved on to more indoors bits.

Prey (360)

Played quite a bit now, and got past rescuing Jen (only for her to be kidnapped again), did some flying around in a vehicle thing, which was odd, and faught what could be considered a few boss battles. I’m on level 14-ish now, and the levels do seem to be getting shorter and shorter – just like Amped 3 and Tomb Raider: Legend. Is this a 360 game trend? Had some more play online too. The lag was slightly better …

Prey (360)

I’d hoped to fly through a few more levels on this today, but it took over an hour to do just one. This was mainly due to me getting stuck and having no idea where to go for ages, before finally realising the puzzle was somewhat easier than I’d expected and so moved on. The freaky ghost kids are scary, aren’t they? Also played online for a bit, but couldn’t even get into a ranked match, and the lag in …

Prey (360)

It was cheap (from PlayAsia), so I bought it. I do like it, as it’s a bit different to other FPS games, due mainly to the portals and gravity-altering thingies. I’m up to Chapter 7 or so now. I haven’t had an especially difficult time yet, not least because when you die, you don’t actually die – you have this minigame where you shoot down bat things to get health back. As you do. I just wish Tommy (the hero) …

Prey (Demo) (360)

Hmm. I really didn’t think I was going to like this. It was just going to be “another FPS”, and I’ve had enough of them. I knew there were “gimmicks”, like the walking on walls and portals and stuff, but that’s all I thought there was over any other FPS. I was a bit wrong. The story is great, and unexpected, and the graphics are lovely. The wall (and ceiling) walking is cleverly used, and the portals confuse and impress, …

Cattails (Switch): COMPLETED!

Sold to me as Stardew Valley Only Cats, Cattails isn’t really that. There are a lot of visual similarities, and there are shared features like a day/night cycle, improving your home, getting married, foraging and mining, but it’s much more simplistic than Stardew Valley and much shorter too. And there are more cats. Starting the game as a pet dumped by the side of the road for reasons not explained (one minute you’re in a happy home, then literally a …

Heavy Rain (PS4): COMPLETED!

Never before has a game made me so angry. It’s not the sort of game I’d ever normally consider playing, and I didn’t know that much about it apart from that it was by David Cage (which itself meant very little as I’ve never played a Cage game) and involved a murder story. I thought it was a bit like one of the Telltale Games adventures, but more “cinematic”. But, coerced by two people I considered, until this point, as …

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (360): COMPLETED!

Urgh. I really didn’t enjoy that. And, without spoiling it for anyone else, I can’t really explain why. I didn’t get used to the two-person, two-sticks controls. The camera caused a few issues (in the snowy area, specifically, and on the final “boss”), and it was far too easy. But they are not the reasons I didn’t like it. No, it was the story. The last bit of the story. Far too grim for me, especially the bit you do …

Tokyo Jungle (PS3)

Now see here: I’m not happy about this being a PS3 exclusive, and worse – download only, but in times like this, I have no choice. Sure, I have to brave the PS3 controller, and yeah, it took three days to download on my terrible connection, but having seen it at Eurogamer it was a NEED. And it is totally nuts. It’s set in Tokyo after an as-yet unknown event whereby humankind were wiped out. You take control of an …