deKay's Lofi Gaming

The 2010 Gaming Expenditure Horror

I’ve been tracking which games I play, on my Gaming Diary, for 6 years now. It’s helped me realise how many different games I play, and how many I complete. This year, however, I’ve additionally started tracking the games I buy, and how much I paid for them – the aim being to scare myself into how much I spend on gaming. Thing is, just knowing that it’s logged has actually made me more frugal with my spending. Not only …

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii)

Many moons ago, when the Wii came out, Twilight Princess was released. And I bought it. Even though I knew I probably would never complete it, as despite my best intentions, I’ve never managed to finish a 3D Zelda game. 2D – fo’ sho. But 3D? For some reason I just… stop playing. With Twilight Princess, I stopped at an hour in. Not for any real reason – I just never went back. Until now. I played it, from the …

Super Retro Weekend Special!

With it being Retro Week (now extended to Retro Fortnight) on ugvm, and with a guy coming up in a few weeks to interview me about old game systems, I rummaged through the loft this weekend for some old kit. Standout games were: Virus (Speccy)It’s a bit bloody hard, yes? Qix (Atari 400)Excellent, even if the Qix (that’s the multi-line baddie in the middle, yes?) seemed to move at random rather than bounce off things. River Raid (Atari 400)Pretty good, …

NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams (Wii)

Hmm. I don’t know what to think. On the up side, it’s more varied than the original game, with several missions for each level (such as save the Nightopians, a boating mission, and so on). On the down side, they’re not great. I think if this had been a Dreamcast game, it would have been a winner. Sadly, games have now moved on from collecting things as you steer a boat. Anyway, I’ve done all of the first set of …

Endless Ocean (Wii)

Hmm. I’ve just realised that I didn’t add this game to my database when I was updating it yesterday. Hence no little box art thing. Bah. Anyway. Today I took Oldman for another dive (isn’t there anyone else who needs a tour?), and found a few more items (like a picture frame). I also unlock the Aquarium, which I filled with assorted fishes. Mostly sharks and rays, of course. And a sea lion. After that, I went night diving looking …

Viva Pinata: Giving children nightmares

If you’ve been reading my gaming diary, you’ll know I got a copy of Viva Pinata for the Xbox 360 this week. It’s the same sort of game as Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon, and is written by Rare. It’s also very cute. There’s a TV cartoon series to match too, so it’s clearly mainly aimed at kids. Which is why I bought it, obviously, since I am a child. Or not. Anyway. It’s very child-friendly for the most part. …

Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox): COMPLETED!

Well. That took AGES. And AGES. Just over 36 hours in total, in fact. I knew it was a long game, but I was expecting nearer 20 when I started it. I didn’t even do many of the side quests either. Started off today on the “Unknown Planet”, and had to do some kind of mediation between two tribes of Rakata – the followers of The One, and the Elders. Well, I’m not sure what went wrong, but it seems …

Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox)

Upon trying to leave Manaan, I was arrested (again) for blowing stuff up underwater. Stuff the fish people knew nothing about. Tch. So began another trial, which I won by convincing the judges I’d actually saved the giant shark rather than tried to kill it. Which is what probably happened anyway. Or something. Decided then to finish off the Sunry trial, as his arbiter. Made him plead guilty, but still managed to get him off. Not really sure how that …

Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox)

Still on Manaan. I went round doing the Gumshoe routine around Ahto City, and amongst other things, found out that the guy I need to defend did actually kill the Sith woman he’s being tried for. So I’m not actually sure what it is I now need to do as far as that’s concerned. If I wasn’t so fussed about Light and Dark side points, I’d just go ahead, but I don’t know what will result from it. Anyway, I …

Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox)

Before leaving Kashyyyk, I decided to go back to the Wookiee Village and talk to everyone. Turns out one of the Wookiees was a murderer, and I had the proof. I cleared him of it though, as it seems the Wookiee he murdered was a Bad Person and was selling other Wookiees to slavers. So it was all OK in the end. Had a chat with everyone on my ship then, and kissed Bastila (oh, I didn’t see that coming …

Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox)

With nothing else to do on Yavin (not Yarin, as I said yesterday), I left and went to Kashyyyk. Or however you spell it. Once there, it made sense to have my Wookiee, Zaalbar, in my party, what with it being Wookieeworld and all. It seems the Czerka Corporation is selling Wookiees off as slaves, and Zaalbar’s brother (chieftain of the Wookiee village) is allowing it. Tch. So, lots done here. Found the village, went into the “Shadowlands” on the …

Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox)

With Bastila rescued, it was off to the Cantina (as suggested by her) to find someone to help us all escape Teris. And lo, there was Canderous, who said he could get us a ship if we got him the Sith codes to get out of orbit. The codes being in the Sith base, of course. Firstly, I needed a droid. Went and threatened to kill the woman selling droids (yay! Dark Side points!) and she let me have a …

Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox)

Entered the Dueling thingie, and defeated Deadeye, some other useless bloke, and Ice. Did have a go at fighting the next guy up, but he was a bit too strong for me at the moment, so I’ll come back later. Managed to get myself into the Lower City, and fought off a load of the Black Vulkars. After visiting the Cantina down there, and getting involved in some bounty huntering and stuff, I worked my way into the Hidden Becs …

Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox)

I’ve had this game for some time, and have intended to play it many times before, but never got round to it. So today, I finally stuffed it in my Xbox and gave it a go. I’m not really sure what I was expecting. Some kind of “normal” RPG, like Final Fantasy or something, I suppose, but in fact it is much more like Anarchy Online. Only not online. Or multiplayer. But it is similar, if a bit cut-down. Chose …


“Chris! Chris! Good boy! Sit! Sit! No, Sit! Sit! Sit dammit! Sit! No, not Roll Over, Sit! No! Come back! Chris! Chris! Chris! Gah!” And so on. I did teach Chris a few more tricks (Lie Down and Roll Over), but he doesn’t seem to respond to “Sit” anymore. Maybe my voice broke last night or something. Took him for a walk, which he didn’t seem to enjoy as I kept having to yank his lead to keep him moving. …